
eDiscovery Webinar Overload?

You would think that someone who used to generate substantial revenue organizing and hosting webinars would embrace the flood of new webinars and virtual conferences that this pandemic has unleashed on our Inboxes. Not so much in my case. We are all trying to cope with the rapid ups and downs of the Rona-coaster we are on. It makes sense to allocate some of our [...]

By |October 26th, 2020|Categories: Essay|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Binfer.com – What is your Deliver SLA?

I had a good briefing with Binfer’s head of sales, Nate Van Drunen, earlier this week. Binfer.com provides secured (AES 256) direct transfer of large files. I have spent this week back in the client trenches subbing in for a lit support manager. That has been a timely reminder of the transferring ever larger collections to providers and firms. Really savvy techs can navigate Azure [...]

By |October 24th, 2020|Categories: Provider, Essay, Corporate, Firm, Government, Content Management, Architecture|0 Comments

The Money Behind eDiscovery Investors

Several headlines and familiar names caught my eye as I skimmed my weekend feed. The founder of Vista Equity Partners (Robert F. Smith) announced a $140M settlement with the DOJ and the IRS while his long term Texas business partner Robert T. Brockman was charged with evading $2 billion in taxes, the ‘largest-ever’ tax fraud case to date. Vista’s co-founder Brian Sheth is said to [...]

By |October 19th, 2020|Categories: Provider, Platform, Essay, Legal Holds, Matter Management|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Logikcull’s InHouse2020 – Evolving DIY eDiscovery

Having been off the ‘speaker circuit’ for the last couple years, I have had a hard time prioritizing virtual conferences while focused on relaunching the eDiscovery Journal. Logikcull asked for me to cover their InHouse 2020 virtual networking event and frankly some of the corporate focused sessions looked interesting. Between accepting their invitation and the event my clients and a research engagement consumed that time, [...]

By |October 13th, 2020|Categories: Platform, Essay, Legal Holds, SMB|0 Comments

You Must Export Your Advanced eDiscovery v.1.0 Matters by Dec. 30 2020

If you somehow missed the September 11, 2020 announcement (MC223426) or January’s (MC199461) admin message, Microsoft has now effectively disabled any legal matters you have in the original Advanced eDiscovery (designated v1.0). You can manually export the data, but I have yet to find any reports or convenience features that would enable a lonely litsupport manager to dump out a list of matters, custodians, collections [...]

By |October 5th, 2020|Categories: Platform, Essay, Analytics, Collection, Processing, Analysis, Review, Production|0 Comments

eDiscovery Impact of Roadmap Teams Features

My peer Tom O’Connor spotted this post Ignite 2020 Microsoft announcement of upcoming new Teams functionality. These remind me of the recent online Word transcript feature, useful for end users and a potential headache for eDiscovery practitioners. Despite O365’s Advanced eDiscovery module, Microsoft has always focused first on end user functionality over compliance, security or legal discovery requirements. There is little doubt that the O365 [...]

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: Essay, Collection, Processing, Analysis, Review, ESI Sources, Production, Management|0 Comments

Who is Hiding Your COVID-19 Guideline Cheese?

I recently challenged eDiscovery providers with cloud collection and review solutions to start tracking the CDC and OSHA websites giving the official safety guidelines for business reopening. Since then, news outlets have clear evidence that those CDC guidelines have been changed in response to political pressure. While keeping eDJ discussions apolitical, I feel the need to raise the red flag in regard to the importance [...]

By |September 24th, 2020|Categories: Info Gov, Essay, Analytics, Preservation, Collectors, Collection|0 Comments

Are you Ready for the October Wave of Pandemic Layoffs?

Many corporations and smaller businesses took COVID-19 stimulus funds that prevented them from mass furloughs or layoffs until October. That employee protection is about to run out. Hundreds of thousands of workers will log off after receiving the bad news by email or phone. Many of them will walk away with thumb drives full of customer lists, contacts, competitive pricing and other sensitive corporate data. [...]

By |September 18th, 2020|Categories: Essay, Legal Holds|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Relativity Aero UI

I finally got the bandwidth to be briefed on the new Aero UI for RelativityOne that was announced last Relativity Fest. For years I have not-so-gently pushed the kCura/Relativity PM team to create a user interface that was more approachable. Andrew Sieja’s ‘expert platform for experts’ pleased power users while generating adoption resistance from corporate and retained counsel who just wanted to dive into their [...]

By |September 14th, 2020|Categories: Essay|0 Comments

eDJ COVID-19 Guideline Challenge: Preserving Ephemeral CDC Guidance

The Wayback machine has taken 2,073 snapshots of the CDC’s COVID-19 Business Guidance webpage since it was launched March 6, 2020. Why would it make >11 snapshots per day (74 on August 17th)? This CDC page is the primary national level guidance for businesses that want to reopen safely. The nifty Changes tool (beta screenshot below) shows that page could have changed 2-3 times in [...]

By |September 8th, 2020|Categories: Regulations, Essay, Collectors, Compliance, Preservation, Collection, Analysis, Global|0 Comments

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Essays, comments and content of this site are purely personal perspectives, even when posted by industry experts, lawyers, consultants and other professionals. Greg Buckles and moderators do their best to weed out or point out fallacies, outdated tech, not-so-best practices and such. Do your own diligence or engage a professional to assess your unique situation.

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