Monthly Archives: April 2022

Contemplating Collaboration Components and Custodianship

Google Docs hit the consumer market in 2010, providing one of the first widely available web collaboration platforms that allowed multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously. The eDJ Group team monitored the slow adoption of GSuite by corporations and wondered when the use of web collaboration tech would seriously impact significant #eDiscovery collections. It took the Pandemic and Microsoft SharePoint-OneDrive(SPOD) sharing [...]

By |2022-04-18T18:00:27-05:00April 18th, 2022|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Did Pandemic WFH Kill MBWA?

Born in the 1980’s, Management by walking around (MBWA) always seemed to have noble aspirations and feet of clay. I am all in favor of execs and management descending from their office sanctorums to have meaningful bidirectional engagement with their direct reports, customers and such. All too often MBWA has been nothing more than cubicle stalking and making sure that everyone looks busy. While [...]

By |2022-04-11T20:47:52-05:00April 11th, 2022|Provider, Info Gov, Corporate, Essay|0 Comments

eDiscovery and New Cloud Apps

The Pandemic driven move to hybrid and remote work has created an explosion of apps addressing the myriad challenges facing digital professionals. Once upon a time I knew every search engine, indexing technology, task manager, note taking or similar productivity product on the market. Those days are long gone. Clients and peers regularly ask my opinion of tools that I have never heard of. [...]

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