Content Management

Peek-A-Boo! Teams File Preview

Users will now see preview images of Teams chat attachments without having to open them. I see the productivity and even security advantages of reducing file access, downloads, etc. The preview functionality does not work for files marked Confidential or that a user does not have access to. It does raise questions that I was not able to find answers for. Image from [...]

Microsoft Moves Your Meeting Transcripts

Do you use transcripts and AI generated summaries? Teams meeting transcripts have raised many eDiscovery, privacy and compliance questions since their introduction. Microsoft announced changes to transcript storage locations, default access permissions and more this month at Build 2024. I added my perspective notes to the Teams blast text below. June 12, 2024 Collaborative notes for channel meetings Work together with members of your [...]

Substrate – M365’s Hidden Compliance Service

Have you ever wondered how Microsoft conquered the challenges of federated enterprise search? They cheated. This post and many more are part of a new 'collaboration hub' that I am hosting on the eDiscovery Journal site to share quickly changing information and 'better practices' for enterprise eDiscovery (mostly M365 for now). While writing a "Purview eDiscovery for Dummy's" draft I realized that some of [...]

Hey Copilot, How Much Does My Boss Make?

Copilot’s retrieval capabilities may tempt disgruntled, departing or politically devious employees to fire off prompts for sensitive pricing lists, salaries, roadmaps and other corporate data jewels not secured appropriately. Copilot effectively empowers EVERY employee with a smart eDiscovery search tool. The key to managing this risk is a mature, flexible M365 group security program. Easier said than done. Security and investigators can access user [...]

By |2024-04-08T16:45:08-05:00April 8th, 2024|Analytics, News, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

The Supreme Cost of Lingering Metadata

Supreme Court politics aside, the lingering metadata demonstrates the potential a risk and value of editorial metadata embedded within documents that have not been ‘scrubbed’ prior to production. Even when revision history has been disabled, legal hold or retention policies may create unlimited versions based on Auto-Save settings. Using Save A Copy may retained older version history.  Revision history in SharePoint defaults to 500 [...]

M365 Roadmap: January 2024

I really should have done January before the LegalWeek craziness. Microsoft made 391 new or updated roadmap items with a couple that should be on your radar. The Purview team told me to watch for the new Purview eDiscovery (Premium) legal hold reports due to hit GA end of February. This has been a pain point since the platform stopped reporting metrics on [...]

By |2024-02-06T15:15:08-06:00February 6th, 2024|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

M365 RoadMap: December 2023

Q3 has been relatively quiet for major Purview eDiscovery releases. The primary area that eDiscovery peers should watch is the steady integration of CoPilot generative AI and Loop content across the M365 suite. In response to a recent request, I did run fast tests to confirm that Teams meeting transcripts are searchable and seem to still be stored in hidden folders within the [...]

By |2024-01-04T14:29:13-06:00January 4th, 2024|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

M365 Roadmap & Purview at Relativity Fest 2023

The Microsoft 365 Purview product team was well represented at Relativity Fest with Nick Robinson, Caitlin Fitzgerald and Erica Toelle. Our briefing focused on recent Purview feature releases and how M365 customers are leveraging Purview eDiscovery despite many common market misconceptions. M365 and the Purview eDiscovery (Premium) features cover the majority of the ‘upstream’ EDRM model phases for many discovery usage cases. The actual [...]

Relativity Fest 2023

Join me in Chicago for David Horrigan’s annual “The e-Discovery State of the Union” session! It is a fast paced exploration of hot topics, usually in a game show format. I am looking forward to meeting peers, briefing with Relativity partners and generally getting the market pulse. Provider and peers wanting to brief me on their latest release or get my insight on their [...]

By |2023-09-05T10:52:41-05:00September 5th, 2023|Essay, Collectors, Legal Holds, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Gotcha! Teams Captions and Profanity

Ever wanted to rewind a meeting to grab a client or supervisor’s exact words? Me too. Many corporations blocked Teams meeting recording and transcription features when usage exploded during the Pandemic for a variety of reasons. Global corporations now depend on live captioning and translation features to support remote collaboration with diverse audiences. The ability to screenshot/copy conversation text retroactively during a meeting raises [...]

By |2023-07-20T15:50:08-05:00July 20th, 2023|News, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments
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