Have you ever wondered how Microsoft conquered the challenges of federated enterprise search? They cheated. This post and many more are part of a new ‘collaboration hub’ that I am hosting on the eDiscovery Journal site to share quickly changing information and ‘better practices’ for enterprise eDiscovery (mostly M365 for now). While writing a “Purview eDiscovery for Dummy’s” draft I realized that some of it would be outdated or wrong before I could even finish editing. Instead I launched the new eDJ Geek Guides as a collaborative wiki style portal where anyone could find, share and contribute information in an evergreen forum. The Guides have started with concise topics covering M365 sources, Purview eDiscovery and partner integrations. Readers can follow specific topics without registering, but only registered members (free) can publicly comment or contribute new topics.

So why start with Microsoft Substrate service? You will struggle to find mentions in formal M365 documentation, but Tony Redmond and other deep M365 administration experts know that this is the foundational service that constantly stores ‘compliance copies’ of M365 app content in mailboxes and SharePoint libraries for enterprise wide search and compliance. For more information check the new Compliance Architecture – Substrate page. For a truly deep dive I encourage peers with the bandwidth to buy and read “Office 365 IT Pros“. Updates are published quarterly and the effort it takes to keep up inspired my creation of the Geek Guides (TLDR collaborative version).

Greg Buckles wants your feedback, questions or project inquiries at Greg@eDJGroupInc.com. Book a free 15 minute ‘Good Karma’ call if he has availability. He solves problems and creates eDiscovery solutions for enterprise and law firm clients.

Greg’s blog perspectives are personal opinions and should not be interpreted as a professional judgment or advice. Greg is no longer an investigative journalist and all perspectives are based on best public information. Blog content is neither approved nor reviewed by any providers prior to being published. Do you want to share your own perspective? Greg is looking for practical, professional informative perspectives free of marketing fluff, hidden agendas or personal/product bias. Outside blogs will clearly indicate the author, company and any relevant affiliations. 

Greg’s latest nature, art and diving photographs on Instagram.

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