
eDJ Geek Guide – SharePoint eDiscovery Architecture

Ever wonder how ESI is stored, organized and searched in SharePoint? The new SharePoint source page in my evergreen Geek Guides condenses and reframes Microsoft’s exhaustive administrator documentation for discovery practitioners. It introduces the default containers and content types that comprise SharePoint and Teams sites. It includes a table of searchable properties from Microsoft expanded with my notes and recommendations on leveraging them in [...]

By |2024-06-11T11:43:33-05:00June 11th, 2024|Essay, GeekGuide|1 Comment

Purview eDiscovery Integration Partners

Can your eDiscovery Platform integrate with the M365 Purview eDiscovery API? This Geek Guide page holds a quick list of products either listed on Microsoft’s formal partner index or has briefed me in the past about their M365 integration capabilities. The API capabilities have been rapidly expanding and most are still in beta stage of release. The general API functionality columns are based [...]

By |2024-05-16T17:27:24-05:00May 16th, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture, GeekGuide|0 Comments

Leveraging the Purview eDiscovery API

What can your eDiscovery Platform do through the M365 Purview eDiscovery’s new API? My recent blog covering the potential API fees for exports highlighted the risk of the traditional ‘pump and dump’ custodial approach to M365 ESI. The eDiscovery API can do a lot more than just bulk exports managed by many integration partners. I have multiple global corporate clients managing their in-place [...]

Purview eDiscovery Export Checklist

Where did that collection come from? I had a long Teams session with an old friend wrestling with certifying collections made by corporate clients. He raised many legitimate concerns regarding Microsoft 365 search limitations and source complexities. The conversation inspired me to create a fast Purview eDiscovery collection checklist to covering the overall decisions, scope, criteria and process. While I prefer formal protocols and [...]

By |2024-05-14T17:24:13-05:00May 14th, 2024|Essay, Collectors, Compliance, Legal Holds, Search, GeekGuide|0 Comments

Substrate – M365’s Hidden Compliance Service

Have you ever wondered how Microsoft conquered the challenges of federated enterprise search? They cheated. This post and many more are part of a new 'collaboration hub' that I am hosting on the eDiscovery Journal site to share quickly changing information and 'better practices' for enterprise eDiscovery (mostly M365 for now). While writing a "Purview eDiscovery for Dummy's" draft I realized that some of [...]

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