
First Steps to Leveraging Purview eDiscovery

“What do you recommend to enterprise legal teams wanting to use Purview?” That was my favorite question from yesterday’s eDiscovery Channel chat with Tom O’Connor and Doug Austin. We also delved into how Microsoft is redefining ‘documents’ and ‘custodianship’ in a collaborative architecture. I thought it worth while to formalize my general approach for incorporating Purview eDiscovery in your eDiscovery-Compliance lifecycle.               Getting Started [...]

By |2024-07-17T16:26:24-05:00July 17th, 2024|Platform, Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

eDJ Geek Guide – Understanding Mailboxes

Did you know that there are at least 12 types of M365 mailbox ‘owners’ that may be relevant to your holds and collections? The new Mailboxes source page  in my evergreen Geek Guides condenses and reframes Microsoft’s exhaustive administrator documentation for discovery practitioners. It explains each different mailbox creator and gives the types of mailbox items that are stored in them. Comment or email [...]

By |2024-07-03T17:20:34-05:00July 3rd, 2024|Essay, Legal Holds, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

Microsoft Moves Your Meeting Transcripts

Do you use transcripts and AI generated summaries? Teams meeting transcripts have raised many eDiscovery, privacy and compliance questions since their introduction. Microsoft announced changes to transcript storage locations, default access permissions and more this month at Build 2024. I added my perspective notes to the Teams blast text below. June 12, 2024 Collaborative notes for channel meetings Work together with members of your [...]

Purview eDiscovery Integration Partners

Can your eDiscovery Platform integrate with the M365 Purview eDiscovery API? This Geek Guide page holds a quick list of products either listed on Microsoft’s formal partner index or has briefed me in the past about their M365 integration capabilities. The API capabilities have been rapidly expanding and most are still in beta stage of release. The general API functionality columns are based [...]

By |2024-05-16T17:27:24-05:00May 16th, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture, GeekGuide|0 Comments

Substrate – M365’s Hidden Compliance Service

Have you ever wondered how Microsoft conquered the challenges of federated enterprise search? They cheated. This post and many more are part of a new 'collaboration hub' that I am hosting on the eDiscovery Journal site to share quickly changing information and 'better practices' for enterprise eDiscovery (mostly M365 for now). While writing a "Purview eDiscovery for Dummy's" draft I realized that some of [...]

The Supreme Cost of Lingering Metadata

Supreme Court politics aside, the lingering metadata demonstrates the potential a risk and value of editorial metadata embedded within documents that have not been ‘scrubbed’ prior to production. Even when revision history has been disabled, legal hold or retention policies may create unlimited versions based on Auto-Save settings. Using Save A Copy may retained older version history.  Revision history in SharePoint defaults to 500 [...]

M365 Roadmap: January 2024

I really should have done January before the LegalWeek craziness. Microsoft made 391 new or updated roadmap items with a couple that should be on your radar. The Purview team told me to watch for the new Purview eDiscovery (Premium) legal hold reports due to hit GA end of February. This has been a pain point since the platform stopped reporting metrics on [...]

By |2024-02-06T15:15:08-06:00February 6th, 2024|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

Custodianship in a Collaborative Age

Preparing for David Horrigan's 'The e-Discovery State of the Union' at Relativity Fest 2023 nudged me to write an article that asks: "Has collaborative ESI broken the traditional concept of custodianship? Putting aside collaborative messaging ESI, collaborative ‘documents’ or workflows may challenge the traditional possession, custody or control tests for admission of evidence in legal proceedings. Beyond authentication, practitioners should assess and adapt their [...]

By |2023-09-21T12:18:13-05:00September 21st, 2023|Essay, Collectors, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

Tracking the Impact of the Microsoft Roadmap

eDJ has launched a curated guide to the Microsoft Roadmap for eDiscovery peers. Microsoft’s live development Roadmap had 405 feature updates in August. I have the RSS feed directly connected to a Teams channel via a Power Automate flow to alert me on every change. That is a lot of new input to process every day via RSS or even using the Roadmaps [...]

By |2023-09-01T11:36:12-05:00September 1st, 2023|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: X1 Enterprise Collects Teams and More

The X1 Enterprise Collect Platform now indexes in-place and collects ESI from M365 Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint. While most other Microsoft partners utilize the Graph API to extend Microsoft’s Purview eDiscovery and compliance functionality, X1 execs John Patzakis and Kunjan Zaveri gave me a deep dive into the advantages offered by their ‘direct connector’ approach.

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