
Time for Mobile Device Preservation Investments

If you do not follow Kelly Twigger’s newsletter and/or the eDiscovery Assistant service, you should. She gives us excellent analysis and on point commentary on this case highlights the complexities of mobile device (especially BYOD devices) preservation obligations and early preservation strategies. I have struggled with global enterprise clients to get them to understand how important critical ‘ad hoc’ mobile chat communications can [...]

Microsoft Recall = User Ephemeral ESI

Doug Austin and Prosearch have been covering Recall privacy concerns. It is not surprising that the local Recall database is hackable. Many forensic peers would call that an ‘accessibility feature’ for discovery scenarios. Will savvy plaintiff counsel add language to their demand letters requiring Recall enablement and content preservation for key custodians in scenarios with ongoing behavior issues? This is essentially user ephemeral data. [...]

Hey Copilot, How Much Does My Boss Make?

Copilot’s retrieval capabilities may tempt disgruntled, departing or politically devious employees to fire off prompts for sensitive pricing lists, salaries, roadmaps and other corporate data jewels not secured appropriately. Copilot effectively empowers EVERY employee with a smart eDiscovery search tool. The key to managing this risk is a mature, flexible M365 group security program. Easier said than done. Security and investigators can access user [...]

By |2024-04-08T16:45:08-05:00April 8th, 2024|Analytics, News, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

The Supreme Cost of Lingering Metadata

Supreme Court politics aside, the lingering metadata demonstrates the potential a risk and value of editorial metadata embedded within documents that have not been ‘scrubbed’ prior to production. Even when revision history has been disabled, legal hold or retention policies may create unlimited versions based on Auto-Save settings. Using Save A Copy may retained older version history.  Revision history in SharePoint defaults to 500 [...]

Veritas Acquisition or Equity-Tech Injection

I rarely comment on M&A outside of eDiscovery market, but as a former Symantec-Veritas PM alumni I track the fate of my former products and peers. To put this in context, Carlyle Group paid $7.4 billion for Veritas in 2016. Veritas revenue and share price have stumbled recently, which may explain the massive drop in value. Underneath what looks like a fire sale is [...]

By |2024-02-08T11:39:47-06:00February 8th, 2024|News|0 Comments

Thoughts on Legal Tech’s 2024 Predictions

Stephanie Wilkin’s collection of e-Discovery predictions is a good read. I like how David Cohen called out the pricing elephant in the corner and laid out a potential path to success for providers. The best expensive solution will lose market share to it’s more accessible competitor every time. I wish that I had Ryan Hemmel’s confidence in the speed of M365 Purview adoption by [...]

By |2024-01-23T11:45:31-06:00January 23rd, 2024|News|0 Comments

Relativity aiR Early Adopter Customer Troutman Pepper eMerge

I almost passed on this press release because it is light on real metrics, ROI or actual case results. I decided that an aiR early adopter customer being jointly promoted with Microsoft was worth calling out. These are the kind of small signals that indicate real technology progress. Now I want to see a case study on the real impact of the generative summaries [...]

By |2024-01-18T17:13:53-06:00January 18th, 2024|Analytics, News|0 Comments

ModeOne to Relativity – Devil is in the Details

At first glance I thought, “Fantastic! I have RelativityOne clients begging for this!” Last July ModeOne  announced a direct partnership with Exterro and it is good to know that their technology will be accessible for other platforms. However, it appears that it will only be available via the 3 service partners for the next 12-months. I will nail this down in my briefing [...]

By |2024-01-18T16:53:31-06:00January 18th, 2024|Collectors, News, Legal Holds, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Why Microsoft 365 Is the Key Source for Corporate eDiscovery

In my bad old analyst days, I was frequently asked to draft ‘competitive analysis’ content like this for marketing teams worried about losing customers. It is relatively easy to highlight any product’s documented limitations, the trick is to recast them in an unsuitable usage scenario. Casepoint asserts that customers are using M365 Purview for the ‘whole eDiscovery process’. The Microsoft product team has [...]

By |2023-09-06T15:53:41-05:00September 6th, 2023|Platform, Collectors, News|0 Comments

M365 Selective Folder Retrievals – Still Not Easy

As usual Tony Redmond dives right into the M365 Powershell complexity to show how to selectively retrieve specific mailbox or SharePoint folders. While useful, it begs the question of why the folder names are not an addressable search property from the actual Content or eDiscovery Purview interfaces?  If you have retrieved the FolderID using this method you can search for that property via [...]

By |2023-08-01T16:57:03-05:00August 2nd, 2023|Platform, Collectors, News, ESI Sources, Search|0 Comments
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