United States

Time for Mobile Device Preservation Investments

If you do not follow Kelly Twigger’s newsletter and/or the eDiscovery Assistant service, you should. She gives us excellent analysis and on point commentary on this case highlights the complexities of mobile device (especially BYOD devices) preservation obligations and early preservation strategies. I have struggled with global enterprise clients to get them to understand how important critical ‘ad hoc’ mobile chat communications can [...]

FOIA-DSAR Deployments Signal eDiscovery Expansion

The tight time limits of FOIA(20 days) and Subject Access Requests(31 days) are forcing government agencies and global corporations to adopt cutting edge eDiscovery technologies and AI driven workflows. The EPA expanded RelativityOne Government usage to include FOIA requests, and—although this expanded RelativityOne use is by EPA’s eDiscovery Division and not EPA’s National FOIA Office. Deloitte seems to have played a role in the [...]

By |2023-02-22T14:23:29-06:00February 22nd, 2023|United States, Federal, Platform, Essay, state, Analytics, Government|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: ALTorney.com

I caught up with Rachi and Shimmy Messing after my failed attempt to reach ILTACON to hear about their new venture ALTorney.com, a cloud marketplace to connect document reviewers with clients. This is the first of many rescheduled briefing reports. I hope that you enjoy the expanded content and quotes created through the KnowNow meeting features. So what is ALTorney? Rachi and Shimmy Messing [...]

By |2022-09-08T11:30:14-05:00September 8th, 2022|Provider, United States, Corporate, Essay, Firm, Services, Review|0 Comments

LegalWeek NY 2022 In the Bag

First and foremost, congratulations to ALM for managing to adapt, overcome and delivering the first real in-person legal technology industry conference since the pandemic hit. The sheer relief emanating from attendees was palpable. eDiscovery needed this glimpse of normalcy. Even delaying LegalWeek from February to March was a calculated risk. Mayor Adams did not announce the lift of mask and ‘Key to NYC’ requirements [...]

By |2022-03-15T12:20:30-05:00March 14th, 2022|United States, Essay, Market|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Evidence Optix – Visualizing Proportionality

A good friend from my Summation days put Insight Optix CEO Mandi Ross in touch with me to explore her new cloud matter scoping platform, Evidence Optix (EO). At first I struggled with whether matter scoping and cost estimation was a broad enough pain point to interest my corporate clients. Most of my legal ops engagements include matter budgets and tools for inside counsel [...]

ILTACON 2021 – Taking Social Distancing to Far?

ILTA 2021 panel with speakers that usually pack a session 2020 was my first year off the conference circuit in 3 decades. I miss running and participating in panels, briefings and social events. Most of all, I miss my eDiscovery friends, clients and peers. I wanted to spend these days hustling between ILTACON meetings and events through the crowded Mandalay Bay halls. [...]

By |2021-08-24T15:40:33-05:00August 24th, 2021|United States, Essay|1 Comment

Dodging Deserved Spoliation Sanctions

Although it appears that the jury will hear about the defendants bad acts, I am disappointed that the court declined the harsher subsection (e)(2) because the plaintiffs did not have evidence of intent. This ruling could temp corporations to ‘lose’ encryption keys rather than deal with evidence. I bet that if you had all the various communications between the key players you would find [...]

By |2021-06-03T14:43:36-05:00June 3rd, 2021|Caselaw, Federal, News, Collection|0 Comments

M365 Advanced eDiscovery Spring Update

Microsoft’s Information & Protection teams are rolling out Advanced eDiscovery(AED) updates at a remarkable rate. The product team’s April 7th webinar and presentation deck has not yet been published, but I wanted to share some perspectives on how these updates may impact AED users. The pandemic has driven E5 license upgrades and features to support remote employees, which makes AED usage more practical for [...]

It’s a Jump to the Left – Relativity Acquires VerQu

Relativity’s acquisition of VerQu makes a lot of sense from the corporate RelativityOne customer perspective. Once integrated, the VerQu Hydra connectors have the potential to dramatically expand the scope of holds, in-place searches and collections. The pandemic has escalated adoption of Teams, video conferencing and a myriad of collaboration platforms that Hydra already gives customers access to. In a happy coincidence, VerQu was on [...]

Early Meet & Confer for 30(b)(6) Witness Scope

The FRCP amendments have consistently pushed litigants to meet and confer earlier in the discovery process. This amendment focuses on defining the agreed deposition topics before or immediately following notices of deposition. That would certainly prevent some of the long and boring series of depo questions I have endured that were outside of my designated scope for a client. I am hoping that this [...]

By |2020-12-11T14:22:23-06:00December 11th, 2020|Caselaw, Federal, Regulations, News|0 Comments
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