
Understanding M365 eDiscovery API Export Fees

Surprise API bill, courtesy of Copilot eDiscovery platforms with Microsoft 365 collection integrations could create unexpected Microsoft fees for customers. While researching a new resource on the Microsoft eDiscovery API I stumbled over a $15/GB fee for exceeding your ‘seeded capacity’. Purview eDiscovery may meet the requirements of SMB companies with minimal litigation or regulatory profiles. Global corporations and highly regulated companies [...]

eDJ Brief: Redgrave Data @ LegalWeek 2024

Redgrave Data has carved out the data science driven bespoke consulting niche in an eDiscovery market dominated by traditional technology, hosting services and audit firms. Jeremy Pickens and CTO Mark Noel walked me through some of their rapid growth and recent engagements. My Legal Week 2023 briefing focused on defining the newly launched business. Since then, the five founders have been on a selective [...]

By |2024-02-20T10:20:21-06:00February 20th, 2024|Provider, Essay, Analytics|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Everlaw @ LegalWeek 2024

Everlaw seems to be an exception to the SEC’s “AI Washing” warning about the current tech hype cycle. Everlaw was called out by several Legal Week peers as one of the few to leverage AI in a practical, safe workflow. My early morning briefing with founder AJ Shankar turned into a much more philosophical technical deep dive than I expected after my first [...]

By |2024-02-20T12:06:48-06:00February 19th, 2024|Provider, Analytics, Essay|0 Comments

Reveal: Super Platform or Billion Dollar Franken-ware?

K1 Investment Management has funded Reveal’s latest acquisitions of Logikcull and IPRO in what seems like a direct challenge to Relativity’s long term dominance of the eDiscovery tech market. This makes 7 acquisitions since 2019 if you count the original Reveal-NexLP deal. The release says that Logikcull and IPRO products will keep their names, which rarely works for long. While I can see [...]

By |2023-08-30T10:38:57-05:00August 30th, 2023|Platform, Provider, Analytics, Essay|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: X1 Enterprise Collects Teams and More

The X1 Enterprise Collect Platform now indexes in-place and collects ESI from M365 Teams, OneDrive and SharePoint. While most other Microsoft partners utilize the Graph API to extend Microsoft’s Purview eDiscovery and compliance functionality, X1 execs John Patzakis and Kunjan Zaveri gave me a deep dive into the advantages offered by their ‘direct connector’ approach.

eDJ Brief: Level Legal at LegalWeek 2023

Level Legal was an interesting briefing first time briefing. On first impression, they appear to be a regional boutique managed review firm based in the eastern Texas ‘rocket docket’ district.  Their website focuses on relationship quality and ‘Delivering Delight in eDiscovery’. What a contrast to Logikcull’s ‘eDiscovery Sucks’ campaign. Daniel Bonner, Director of Client Services, doubled down that Level Legal’s customer-centric approach has driven [...]

By |2023-04-07T12:21:17-05:00April 7th, 2023|Provider, Essay, Corporate, Firm, Review|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Redgrave Data at LegalWeek 2023

Redgrave Data has continued their explosive growth since I met with the team last October. They just lured Jeremy Pickens back to eDiscovery and are actively recruiting talent amidst eDiscovery market layoffs. CEO Mollie Nichols and CTO Mark Noel helped me understand how Redgrave Data’s unique blend of expertise and custom development is driving their growth. Redgrave Data was kick started by a massive [...]

By |2023-03-30T17:08:09-05:00March 30th, 2023|Provider, Essay, Analytics, Search|0 Comments

FOIA-DSAR Deployments Signal eDiscovery Expansion

The tight time limits of FOIA(20 days) and Subject Access Requests(31 days) are forcing government agencies and global corporations to adopt cutting edge eDiscovery technologies and AI driven workflows. The EPA expanded RelativityOne Government usage to include FOIA requests, and—although this expanded RelativityOne use is by EPA’s eDiscovery Division and not EPA’s National FOIA Office. Deloitte seems to have played a role in the [...]

By |2023-02-22T14:23:29-06:00February 22nd, 2023|Federal, United States, Platform, Analytics, Essay, state, Government|0 Comments

Ready for Teams A.I. ESI?

Teams Premium ($120/year) adds A.I. notes, suggested tasks and personalized highlights powered by GPT-3.5 to address meeting fatigue. The Pandemic drove a 252% increase in weekly meeting time along with WFH professionals. All these new meetings contributed to the 77% of full-time workers who reported experiencing burnout in a Deloitte survey. Yet meetings are where decisions and consensus happen, the heart of corporate strategy [...]

eDJ Brief: Casepoint

Casepoint entered the cloud eDiscovery platform market in 2008. I had always classified it as a firm focused large matter boutique hosting platform based on their good reputation and minimal marketing presence. David Carns and Athena Strasel updated me on Casepoint’s changing role and architecture in before and after the Pandemic pause.  Casepoint’s successful bid to replace Recommind as the SEC’s primary eDiscovery platform [...]

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