
Understanding M365 eDiscovery API Export Fees

Surprise API bill, courtesy of Copilot eDiscovery platforms with Microsoft 365 collection integrations could create unexpected Microsoft fees for customers. While researching a new resource on the Microsoft eDiscovery API I stumbled over a $15/GB fee for exceeding your ‘seeded capacity’. Purview eDiscovery may meet the requirements of SMB companies with minimal litigation or regulatory profiles. Global corporations and highly regulated companies [...]

Ready for Teams A.I. ESI?

Teams Premium ($120/year) adds A.I. notes, suggested tasks and personalized highlights powered by GPT-3.5 to address meeting fatigue. The Pandemic drove a 252% increase in weekly meeting time along with WFH professionals. All these new meetings contributed to the 77% of full-time workers who reported experiencing burnout in a Deloitte survey. Yet meetings are where decisions and consensus happen, the heart of corporate strategy [...]

Why Not Just Use Microsoft?

Microsoft’s transformation from on-premise enterprise to global cloud omni-platform has CXO’s asking “Why not just use Microsoft?” As a former product manager (mid-2000’s) for enterprise #Infogov and #ediscovery products that delivered mature features and clear ROI it was easy to answer that question. Now that Microsoft’s portfolio seems to check every RFP feature box it is a much tougher question. The pandemic forced corporations [...]

Pre-Post Pandemic eDiscovery Price Trends

My thanks to Rob for this aggregate perspective of his ongoing pricing surveys. I thought that I would highlight or interpret some trends in light of pre-post pandemic impact. Overall Collection Costs: Clear rise in analyst rates in response to the tightening labor market. I would also posit that the explosion of remote/mobile employees contributes to the impact with more complex data types. Overall [...]

By |2022-06-06T14:23:52-05:00June 6th, 2022|Provider, News, Purchase|0 Comments

eDiscovery and New Cloud Apps

The Pandemic driven move to hybrid and remote work has created an explosion of apps addressing the myriad challenges facing digital professionals. Once upon a time I knew every search engine, indexing technology, task manager, note taking or similar productivity product on the market. Those days are long gone. Clients and peers regularly ask my opinion of tools that I have never heard of. [...]

LegalWeek 2022 eDJ Briefings – Take 1

For some of the new readers, eDJ Briefings are a chance to catch up with the latest from providers kind enough to sit down with me and talk candidly. At Legal Week I no longer do formal presentations or demos. Instead I ask execs to give me the top three points they would like to convey to you and the market. We sometimes get [...]

Veritas Compliance Winter Release Announcement Webinar

I hope that you join Dave Scott and myself for the Veritas Compliance Portfolio Winter Announcement webinar this Wednesday January 19th at 10am CST. Join us to hear about all the new capabilities of Veritas (formerly Symantec) Digital Compliance portfolio. Dave will cover all the new data sources and features from Enterprise Vault, eDiscovery Platform and more. I have been invited to discuss the [...]

eDJ Brief: Knovos

It has been a while since I caught up with my friend Joe Bartolo. Knovos has evolved from their service provider roots (Capital Novus) into a broad, diverse legal technology company. Despite Relativity’s dominance of the large matter review market, mid-market players like Knovos seem to be gaining traction with usable, focused products that meet specific customer requirements. eDiscovery functionality, performance and innovation can [...]

eDJ Brief: Ligl

When my old friend Michael Lappin took a role at Ligl (formerly Vertical Discovery) I knew that I needed to see what had lured him there. Ligl is providing what they call an ‘orchestration hub’ for corporate and firm eDiscovery teams. Despite MSFT’s efforts and the ongoing eDiscovery market consolidation, most of these teams are still cobbling together ‘Frankentech’ to track and manage their [...]

By |2021-09-20T13:43:13-05:00September 20th, 2021|Platform, Essay, Corporate, Collectors, Legal Holds, ESI Sources, Purchase|0 Comments

How Legal Tech Dies: eDiscovery Point

Lost in all the hype around market consolidation and IPOs is the sad truth that the vast majority of legal technology is destined to end up in the digital dust bin. Thompson Reuters announced the retirement of eDiscovery Point by June 2022. Launched in 2016 and fueled by the CaseLogistix IP/talent TR acquired in 2010, eDiscovery Point never seemed to gain market traction against [...]

By |2021-07-28T12:33:03-05:00July 28th, 2021|Platform, Essay, Firm, Global, Purchase|2 Comments
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