
Microsoft Copilot+ Can Now Recall EVERYTHING Your Witness Did

I may have to drop my ‘Microsoft has no memory’ tagline. Below is from my latest Geek Guide page covering Microsoft 365 eDiscovery and compliance sources, applications, exceptions and coping strategies. May 20, 2024 Microsoft announced a new generation of AI enabled Copilot+ PC's that would run preloaded AI models locally and provide extended AI functionality at the endpoint. For eDiscovery and compliance professionals, [...]

By |2024-05-28T17:26:22-05:00May 28th, 2024|Essay, Analytics|0 Comments

Hey Copilot, How Much Does My Boss Make?

Copilot’s retrieval capabilities may tempt disgruntled, departing or politically devious employees to fire off prompts for sensitive pricing lists, salaries, roadmaps and other corporate data jewels not secured appropriately. Copilot effectively empowers EVERY employee with a smart eDiscovery search tool. The key to managing this risk is a mature, flexible M365 group security program. Easier said than done. Security and investigators can access user [...]

By |2024-04-08T16:45:08-05:00April 8th, 2024|Analytics, News, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Exterro @ LegalWeek 2024

My Legalweek Exterro briefing with CMO Bill Piwonka focused on their recent acquisition, GenAI powered legal holds and overall data risk management brand. Since taking $100M in funding from Leeds Equity Partners in 2018, Exterro has grown by acquisition and integration of privacy and data governance, forensics, legal hold and data discovery technologies. Legalweek announcements: Exterro, a Leeds Equity Portfolio Company, Acquires Data Discovery [...]

By |2024-02-22T10:40:29-06:00February 22nd, 2024|Platform, Essay, Analytics, Collectors, Legal Holds|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Redgrave Data @ LegalWeek 2024

Redgrave Data has carved out the data science driven bespoke consulting niche in an eDiscovery market dominated by traditional technology, hosting services and audit firms. Jeremy Pickens and CTO Mark Noel walked me through some of their rapid growth and recent engagements. My Legal Week 2023 briefing focused on defining the newly launched business. Since then, the five founders have been on a selective [...]

By |2024-02-20T10:20:21-06:00February 20th, 2024|Provider, Essay, Analytics|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Everlaw @ LegalWeek 2024

Everlaw seems to be an exception to the SEC’s “AI Washing” warning about the current tech hype cycle. Everlaw was called out by several Legal Week peers as one of the few to leverage AI in a practical, safe workflow. My early morning briefing with founder AJ Shankar turned into a much more philosophical technical deep dive than I expected after my first [...]

By |2024-02-20T12:06:48-06:00February 19th, 2024|Provider, Analytics, Essay|0 Comments

Relativity aiR Early Adopter Customer Troutman Pepper eMerge

I almost passed on this press release because it is light on real metrics, ROI or actual case results. I decided that an aiR early adopter customer being jointly promoted with Microsoft was worth calling out. These are the kind of small signals that indicate real technology progress. Now I want to see a case study on the real impact of the generative summaries [...]

By |2024-01-18T17:13:53-06:00January 18th, 2024|Analytics, News|0 Comments

Reveal: Super Platform or Billion Dollar Franken-ware?

K1 Investment Management has funded Reveal’s latest acquisitions of Logikcull and IPRO in what seems like a direct challenge to Relativity’s long term dominance of the eDiscovery tech market. This makes 7 acquisitions since 2019 if you count the original Reveal-NexLP deal. The release says that Logikcull and IPRO products will keep their names, which rarely works for long. While I can see [...]

By |2023-08-30T10:38:57-05:00August 30th, 2023|Platform, Provider, Essay, Analytics|0 Comments

EverlawAI Portfolio – Functional AI Enhanced Document2Draft Workflow

I barely skim the daily flood of generative AI marketing announcements filing my feeds. Luckily, my peer and friend Chuck Kellner challenged me and the usual suspects to comment on the EverlawAI Portfolio beta program announcement. The “See EverlawAI in Action” video probably gives the best overview of the document to draft workflow that Everlaw has woven summarization, entity extraction, sentiment analysis and [...]

By |2023-07-25T11:48:23-05:00July 25th, 2023|Analytics, News, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

Thomson Reuters Pays 130x for CaseText AI

I want to expand on Bob’s excellent commentary with a bit of market history context. Many innovative eDiscovery private companies have died on the vine after being acquired by public corporations. Even if their IP survives, they usually lose their brand and tight customer community. Remember Summation, LAW PreDiscovery, CaseLogistix, Concordance, Autonomy (not HP’s fault) and more? What really struck me was the [...]

By |2023-07-12T16:06:33-05:00July 12th, 2023|Analytics, News|0 Comments

Azure Form Recognizer – Smart, Actionable OCR

Ever spend hours OCRing and extracting data from years of invoices? Microsoft’s Azure Form Recognizer can be a game changer for peers tasked to reconstruct charges, convert bills to Ledes CSV or support cost overrun scenarios. The traditional Adobe OCR approach usually requires extensive transformations and clean up to get into Excel, Access or an enterprise DB. Microsoft Azure Form Recognizer applies advanced machine [...]

By |2023-06-19T15:21:18-05:00June 19th, 2023|Analytics, Essay, Processing, ESI Sources|0 Comments
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