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Corporate Mobile Device Preservation Kit

By |2024-01-11T13:53:46-06:00January 11th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|

For several years I have monitored the slow recognition and rise of mobile device content in civil discovery. I have run annual surveys, market reports and even put on mobile eDiscovery boot camps. Although it has taken longer than I expected back, I am now encountering substantial vendor charges to acquire, process and review text messages, chat conversations and other ‘business communications’ from Android and iOS phones during my annual ‘eDiscovery Cost/ROI Savings’ reports for long term clients. They are often surprised at how clever providers low ball the collection fees down to $250-400/device while burying exorbitant forensic tech time charges in the processing fees. My clients thought they understood the cost to agreeing to add phones to the accessible ESI source list, only to get sticker shock when I add up all the subsequent forensic time and data processing charges for an average $2,500+ per device total cost just to get it into Relativity. I encourage clients and peers to think through and demand estimates for the total cost associated with what I call 3rd generation ESI data sources before acquiescing to the typical overly broad discovery request. If you embrace the classic, “preserve broadly and review narrowly” model, you may consider investing in basic software and training to enable your corporate legal support or data security teams image unlocked mobile devices when the content is potentially relevant. So how much will that cost?

Airlines: J-I-T = Instability

By |2022-08-25T17:11:10-05:00August 25th, 2022|Essay|

Warning - non-eDiscovery and possible rant follows I was really looking forward to ILTACON 2022. I invested days scheduling and preparing to transform my usual hectic briefings into truly ‘Well Formed Meetings’ using KnowNow to research and build focused, purposeful agendas [...]

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