
eDJ COVID-19 Guideline Challenge: Preserving Ephemeral CDC Guidance

The Wayback machine has taken 2,073 snapshots of the CDC’s COVID-19 Business Guidance webpage since it was launched March 6, 2020. Why would it make >11 snapshots per day (74 on August 17th)? This CDC page is the primary national level guidance for businesses that want to reopen safely. The nifty Changes tool (beta screenshot below) shows that page could have changed 2-3 times [...]

A.I. Liability: Tools No Better Than Trainers

I do a lot of acceptance and QC testing for clients as their designated 30(b)(6) witness of their discovery systems. In fact, I like to find hidden gotchas and exceptions that I can take back to providers to fix. In over 30 years I have never found a ‘bad’ analytic system. Instead I frequently encounter users who do not ‘trust but verify’ before they [...]

By |2020-09-01T14:04:19-05:00September 1st, 2020|Analytics, Essay, Processing, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

Multidimensional Analytics – Merging Perspectives

I resist reviewing white papers behind the contact wall, but Joe’s new ‘multidimensional analytics’ catch-word lured me into ponying up my email address to Knovos. Like many white papers, this one focuses on the benefits more than the technical functionality, but a demo or access to a matter loaded with public data should provide that info. Knovos believes their advantage lies in how they [...]

By |2020-08-31T14:51:13-05:00August 31st, 2020|Investigation, Analytics, News, Processing, Analysis|0 Comments

Are You Ready for Thousands of Zoom-Teams Transcripts?

This week Microsoft added an automated transcription feature to their online Word. It is easy to use and renders a surprisingly accurate transcript that differentiates between speakers and keeps the times of the conversation segments. This is great from a user perspective. Why bother to keep meeting notes when you have a free transcript of everything said? It does present some challenges to your [...]

Yet Another O365 Data Source – Meeting Transcriptions

With a majority of our key employees working remotely via Zoom meetings, conference calls and various chat platforms Microsoft has just added automatic transcription functionality to user’s online Word application. This functionality enables users to convert previously recorded or live audio into a pretty good transcript that differentiates between speakers and has an associated xml file with the segment times. Tech savvy users have [...]

By |2020-08-27T13:45:08-05:00August 27th, 2020|Info Gov, News, Content Management, ESI Sources, Search|0 Comments

10 Ways Zapproved Says You Have to Spend to Save

I try to read provider marketing papers when they are not hidden behind the contact collection wall, especially when they promise lists of cost saving tips. In this case, the list of ten tips seems to boil down to in-sourcing your ediscovery and buy Zapproved’s products. The overall principals behind the ‘tips’ are sound if rather obvious. Unfortunately, my PDF copy was missing all [...]

Peering into the SMB eDiscovery Market

This blog relies on two of Logikcull’s surveys, 2020 Corporate In-Housing Survey (behind the contact wall) and a curiously untitled joint survey with As you might expect from the snippets, their message is that in-house legal teams are focused on reducing spend and can do so with their services. While I agree with the overall idea that reducing data reduces review spend, I [...]

By |2020-08-24T16:22:53-05:00August 24th, 2020|United States, News, Matter Management, SMB, Management|0 Comments

FCPA Compliance Key – Mapping Players to Transactions

Having supported far too many FCPA investigations over the last 30 years, the hardest initial step is untangling the key employees, contractors, agents and foreign players involved in doing business overseas. The TGC article provides a solid checklist for compliance defensibility that many corporate clients would shy away from because of the heavy manual overhead required. Most enterprise content management systems now include categorization/tagging [...]

Do You Trust Your PC/TAR?

I am not recommending that you read this draft academic paper. It is pretty dry and focused mainly on societal trust of A. I. systems. Rob Robinson quotes the full introduction section that details the above four principals before diving into academic jargon.  Lack of trust and ‘explanation accuracy’ seem to be the primary adoption barriers to PC/TAR relevance determination scenarios. Counsel is fine [...]

By |2020-08-21T10:27:38-05:00August 21st, 2020|Analytics, News, Academic, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

How Will the Pandemic Change the Legal Tech Market?

KLDiscovery Inc.’s announcement of a roughly 18% drop in revenue for Q2 2020 is actually less than I expected. They also managed to cut operating expenses by 15.8% (which translates to a loss of people and office space). There are few publicly owned eDiscovery corporations. The majority privately owned companies tend to conceal their financial health unless they are actively soliciting a round of [...]

By |2020-08-18T12:45:30-05:00August 18th, 2020|Provider, Corporate, Essay, Firm, Matter Management, Services, Purchase|1 Comment
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