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eZReview® – Explore New Frontiers in eDiscovery with Data Analytics and Machine Learning

Author: Joseph C. Bartolo - Knovos

…Legal professionals want better contextual information about litigation data and greater insight into content in order to prioritize document review and estimate and minimize the scope and cost of an eDiscovery project…
…The multi-dimensional analytics provided by the Fuse Analytics dashboard can cross reference, evaluate, and correlate ESI by content and context, including key patterns, topics, people, entities, discussions and their communications…
Knovos Fuse Analytics Dashboard

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Editor Comment:

I resist reviewing white papers behind the contact wall, but Joe’s new ‘multidimensional analytics’ catch-word lured me into ponying up my email address to Knovos. Like many white papers, this one focuses on the benefits more than the technical functionality, but a demo or access to a matter loaded with public data should provide that info. Knovos believes their advantage lies in how they can take multiple siloed analytics (clusters, communications, entities, thread, etc.) and combine them into an interactive dashboard that provides users with new perspectives on their data.  Indeed, a ‘multidimensional’ dashboard and dynamic review interface that surfaces context and suggests tags is a step forward from individual analytic reports and clicking through tabs of near dups/family/related items. It is nice to see Relativity competitors and to have more options for client RFPs.

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