Search results for: legalweek

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LTNY/Legalweek 2022 – Will I See You There?

By |2021-10-13T12:23:13-05:00October 13th, 2021|Essay|

I have a confession. Except for a few panel invitations, I have opted out of pretty much every virtual eDiscovery/IG industry, association or customer conference since the pandemic started. Despite some excellent content and exciting trends, I missed walking the [...]

RelativityFest 2024: Join Me in Chicago!

By |2024-08-29T19:30:24-05:00August 29th, 2024|Essay|

Despite the crazy project load, I will be at Relativity Fest next month and will have availability to meet with peers and brief with providers. After my disastrous LegalWeek experience with M365 Bookings, I have resurrected my Calendly account, [...]

Has Iltacon Eclipsed LegalTech?

By |2024-01-11T13:53:47-06:00January 11th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|

LegalTech New York came first. It dominated the software/marketing development cycle. The vast majority of major version releases were timed for maximum impact at the show. My clients scheduled their budgets and RFP projects around LegalTech. My eDJ Matrix was created to categorize and track providers at LTNY to support my insane briefing and demo schedule in those early years. But has ILTACON become more relevant to consumers and providers? I have been tracking LTNY exhibitor and sponsor numbers since 2008. Although I have been a regular speaker at ILTA and ARMA, I neglected to track their exhibitor/sponsor numbers as they gained momentum. My return to solo consulting gigs has pretty much taken me off the speaker circuit. My first briefing requests for ILTACON 2017 rolled in and peaked my curiosity as to how sponsorship compared to LTNY. Wow.

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