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ILTA 2017 eDJ Outtakes

By |2024-01-11T13:53:47-06:00January 11th, 2024|eDJ Migrated|

ILTACON 2017 has wrapped up and I managed a lightning pass of briefings, meetings and socializing in Vegas. Overall, I am impressed at how ILTA has grown up and may even have stolen the crown from LNTY for best consumer legal technology event. I broke down the sponsorship number comparison in a recent blog. It will come as no surprise that ILTA’s 5 day event in a Vegas casino complex feels a lot less crowded than the 3 days of LTNY in a Manhattan hotel. Neither event really publishes attendance numbers (LTNY site claims 10k+). ILTA seems to attract the consumer/practitioner while LTNY has evolved into more of a provider/sales event. The ILTA exhibit hall had steady foot traffic and actual buyers on my forays. As one sponsor noted, tech partners and support services dominated the floor more than giant Relativity channel partners trying to snap up the dwindling supply of big cases without a dedicated review team. In visual terms, blue dominated the exhibit floor instead of kCura orange. Several attendees remarked that the show was well organized with lots of opportunities to talk with other practioners instead of just being talked at by provider panels (yep, those same panels I was moderating until recently). Most of my meetings were client RFP driven, but here are some non-confidential briefing/meeting outtakes and photos:

Relativity Fest 2023 eDJ Wrap Up

By |2023-10-03T17:01:52-05:00October 3rd, 2023|Platform, Essay|

Over the last fourteen years, Relativity Fest has become one of, if not the, eDiscovery customer event conferences. Attendance hit roughly 1,800 (37% partners). This may be smaller than the peak 10k+ LegalWeek New York years, but I believe that [...]

eDJBrief: The LegalTech Fund

By |2022-11-18T15:07:35-06:00November 21st, 2022|Essay|

Zach Posner from The LegalTech Fund(TLTF) was one of the briefings lost in my botched ILTA attempt. Developments in my own startup during the delay made our conversation much more relevant. I want to start by expressing my thanks to [...]

RelativityFest 2022 eDJ Perspectives

By |2022-11-14T13:57:13-06:00November 14th, 2022|Essay|

Relativity Fest 2022 was a fabulous time after my ILTA travel catastrophe. Instead of booking up briefings with the Relativity team, key channel partners and peers, I built a session agenda and spent a lot of time talking with attendees. [...]

I am a Nightmare on a Jury

By |2022-03-07T15:17:34-06:00March 7th, 2022|Essay|

A very young criminalist documenting a large seizure of cocaine 1990 Jury duty started bright and early at 8am. We all crowded in and waited as pools were selected and sent off to courts. I was prospective juror [...]

What Part of No Did You Not Get?

By |2022-03-01T12:07:54-06:00March 1st, 2022|Essay|

Back in 2008 Barry Murphy and myself were more than happy to host border ads on the original Why not? In the decade that followed I came to understand the insidious nature of sponsors and the pressure that marketing [...]

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