
Why Not Just Use Microsoft?

Microsoft’s transformation from on-premise enterprise to global cloud omni-platform has CXO’s asking “Why not just use Microsoft?” As a former product manager (mid-2000’s) for enterprise #Infogov and #ediscovery products that delivered mature features and clear ROI it was easy to answer that question. Now that Microsoft’s portfolio seems to check every RFP feature box it is a much tougher question. The pandemic forced corporations to [...]

Barrera – Time to Update Corporate Travel Policies

The Inspector General’s seizure of John Eastman’s phone should be a wakeup call for corporate legal and security stakeholders. US v. Barrera ruling in 2019 opened the door for law enforcement to use biometrics (face or fingerprints) to unlock a seized personal device. Every domestic or foreign customs agent just added this trick to their interview protocol. Think about that. Putting aside politics, I wanted [...]

By |June 28th, 2022|Categories: Corporate, Investigation, Essay, Preservation, Collectors, Collection|0 Comments

Retaining Teams Meetings – Worth the Risk?

My Inbox blew up with Teams/Zoom meeting policy questions during the 2020 Pandemic exodus. Clients old and new wanted to enable remote business continuity while managing the potential risk they perceived in meeting recordings and transcripts. Frankly, most of my global corporate clients blocked recordings and are just now re-evaluating that decision as employees struggle with meeting overload. #Microsoft moved quickly to shift the burden [...]

By |June 20th, 2022|Categories: Info Gov, Corporate, Essay, Government, ESI Sources, Expiration|2 Comments

Everlaw AI Clustering – New World or New Take?

Everlaw’s announcement of a ‘New World of #ediscovery’ peaked my interest. Frankly, I have not been inspired by any concept analytics since @SkipWalter recruited me into Attenex 15+ years ago. At first glance, the new Everlaw concept clustering bears a lot of resemblance to Attenex Patterns. Is Everlaw’s new clustering revolutionary? Not in my opinion, but that does not lessen the potential market impact. Everlaw’s [...]

By |June 13th, 2022|Categories: Essay, Analytics, Architecture|0 Comments

The Great Resignation, Return or Reshuffle? Part 2

A recent Zapier survey on the future of work polled 600 #knowledgeworkers from SMB companies. 64% said that remote work makes them more productive. While they feel more productive, how can remote professionals demonstrate that productivity without giving up their privacy?   The Great Reshuffle is about the evolving employee-employer relationship more than just where we perform that work. Monitoring utilization, security and work impact [...]

How Locked Down Are Your Users?

I have been alpha testing some new tech recently and ran into wildly different levels of user endpoint security across global enterprise environments. None of the endpoint security surveys I found included practical strategies and policy practices restricting user access to external cloud applications, browser extensions, desktop apps and mobile apps. I wrote a quick survey covering these and hope that you are as interested [...]

By |May 3rd, 2022|Categories: Essay, Privacy, Security|0 Comments

The Great Resignation, Return or Reshuffle? Part 1

Microsoft’s 2022 Work Trend Index report should be a wake up for execs like JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon spouting, “We’re not going to pay your not to work in the office.” More than 31,000 respondents from 34 countries prove that “There’s no going back!” to pre-Pandemic Koyaanisquatsi cubicle work for professionals. The job security bubble has burst and 52% of Gen Z/Mellennials are considering changing jobs [...]

Contemplating Collaboration Components and Custodianship

Google Docs hit the consumer market in 2010, providing one of the first widely available web collaboration platforms that allowed multiple people to work on the same document simultaneously. The eDJ Group team monitored the slow adoption of GSuite by corporations and wondered when the use of web collaboration tech would seriously impact significant #eDiscovery collections. It took the Pandemic and Microsoft SharePoint-OneDrive(SPOD) sharing to [...]

By |April 18th, 2022|Categories: Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Did Pandemic WFH Kill MBWA?

Born in the 1980’s, Management by walking around (MBWA) always seemed to have noble aspirations and feet of clay. I am all in favor of execs and management descending from their office sanctorums to have meaningful bidirectional engagement with their direct reports, customers and such. All too often MBWA has been nothing more than cubicle stalking and making sure that everyone looks busy. While discussing [...]

By |April 11th, 2022|Categories: Info Gov, Provider, Essay, Corporate|0 Comments

eDiscovery and New Cloud Apps

The Pandemic driven move to hybrid and remote work has created an explosion of apps addressing the myriad challenges facing digital professionals. Once upon a time I knew every search engine, indexing technology, task manager, note taking or similar productivity product on the market. Those days are long gone. Clients and peers regularly ask my opinion of tools that I have never heard of. I [...]

By |April 4th, 2022|Categories: Info Gov, Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources, Purchase, Search|1 Comment

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Essays, comments and content of this site are purely personal perspectives, even when posted by industry experts, lawyers, consultants and other professionals. Greg Buckles and moderators do their best to weed out or point out fallacies, outdated tech, not-so-best practices and such. Do your own diligence or engage a professional to assess your unique situation.

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