
LegalWeek 2022 eDJ Briefings – Take 1

For some of the new readers, eDJ Briefings are a chance to catch up with the latest from providers kind enough to sit down with me and talk candidly. At Legal Week I no longer do formal presentations or demos. Instead I ask execs to give me the top three points they would like to convey to you and the market. We sometimes get [...]

Veritas Compliance Winter Release Announcement Webinar

I hope that you join Dave Scott and myself for the Veritas Compliance Portfolio Winter Announcement webinar this Wednesday January 19th at 10am CST. Join us to hear about all the new capabilities of Veritas (formerly Symantec) Digital Compliance portfolio. Dave will cover all the new data sources and features from Enterprise Vault, eDiscovery Platform and more. I have been invited to discuss the [...]

M365 Core eDiscovery Retires Search by ID List

Microsoft change notice MC291088 announced the retirement of the Core eDiscovery Search by ID List feature because “it is not functioning to an adequate level and creates significant challenges for organizations who depend on consistent and repeatable results for eDiscovery workflows.” That is a remarkably frank statement that this feature was not working consistently. The ‘Search by ID list’ feature was part of the [...]

By |2021-10-22T14:20:28-05:00October 22nd, 2021|Essay, Collectors, Collection, Search|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Ligl

When my old friend Michael Lappin took a role at Ligl (formerly Vertical Discovery) I knew that I needed to see what had lured him there. Ligl is providing what they call an ‘orchestration hub’ for corporate and firm eDiscovery teams. Despite MSFT’s efforts and the ongoing eDiscovery market consolidation, most of these teams are still cobbling together ‘Frankentech’ to track and manage their [...]

By |2021-09-20T13:43:13-05:00September 20th, 2021|Platform, Corporate, Essay, Collectors, Legal Holds, ESI Sources, Purchase|0 Comments

Teams Workspace Hubs = ESI Evolution

Microsoft and Google are busy re-inventing how knowledge workers collaborate. Many of us have stumbled onto complex sets of interdependent Excel workbooks being shared by accounting, sales and other teams. With good chain-of-custody procedures, I have reconfigured environments so that counsel or experts could manually review these ‘semi-structured’ file sets to extract potentially relevant snapshots. The breadth of sources simultaneously touched by Teams and [...]

IPRO-ZyLAB: Further eDiscovery Consolidation

Yet another acquisition in the accelerating consolidation of the eDiscovery market space. In this case there is some functional overlap offset by clear differentiation in solution strengths. In my opinion, both players peaked early in the eDiscovery market and were being left behind until recently. Maybe the ParkerGale Capital money and guidance will forge a real competitor to the evolving Relativity-Reveal-Exterro battle royal.  For [...]

Nuix IPO – Autonomy Take Two?

Despite the recent drop in share prices ($11.86 down to $2.47), public ASIC investigations, executive departures and now AFP raids, I still believe that last November’s bully Nuix IPO was a signal of the world market’s appetite in legal technology. It would be a shame if the two largest eDiscovery transactions to date both proved to have cooked their books. For those of you [...]

Teams Collections Complications – MC261534

M365 Teams collections are already challenging corporate eDiscovery and provider teams with hidden SharePoint and OneDrive sites. Today’s Major Change Update Notification (MC261534 - reproduced at end for non-admins) covers the June-July roll out of Roadmap ID 81945 that dramatically expands custodian’s ability to associate existing/other Teams sites and automatically create private channel sites. More importantly, non-admin custodians are losing the ability to manually [...]

Teams Transcripts – eDiscovery Gap

Teams transcripts are not currently available in M365 Content Search, eDiscovery or via the Graph API. As previously blogged about, Microsoft is busy consolidating the Microsoft 365 architecture to improve search and other functionality. There are obvious issues with working on the car while your customers are driving it, even when it is the most efficient solution. As of October 2020, the default Teams [...]

Quick Performance Tip for AED2 Processing

A peer with a looming deadline messaged me yesterday to ask if I knew of any way to export Advanced eDiscovery (AED2) collections without processing them into a review set. Despite a vague recollection from the Spring 2021 AED webinar of a MSFT PM saying that a ‘direct to export’ collection feature was on the road map I could not find confirmation. At this [...]

By |2021-05-26T11:18:52-05:00May 26th, 2021|Platform, Essay, Collectors, ESI Sources, Search|0 Comments
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