
Time for Mobile Device Preservation Investments

If you do not follow Kelly Twigger’s newsletter and/or the eDiscovery Assistant service, you should. She gives us excellent analysis and on point commentary on this case highlights the complexities of mobile device (especially BYOD devices) preservation obligations and early preservation strategies. I have struggled with global enterprise clients to get them to understand how important critical ‘ad hoc’ mobile chat communications can [...]

First Steps to Leveraging Purview eDiscovery

“What do you recommend to enterprise legal teams wanting to use Purview?” That was my favorite question from yesterday’s eDiscovery Channel chat with Tom O’Connor and Doug Austin. We also delved into how Microsoft is redefining ‘documents’ and ‘custodianship’ in a collaborative architecture. I thought it worth while to formalize my general approach for incorporating Purview eDiscovery in your eDiscovery-Compliance lifecycle.               Getting Started [...]

By |2024-07-17T16:26:24-05:00July 17th, 2024|Platform, Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

eDJ Geek Guide – Understanding Mailboxes

Did you know that there are at least 12 types of M365 mailbox ‘owners’ that may be relevant to your holds and collections? The new Mailboxes source page  in my evergreen Geek Guides condenses and reframes Microsoft’s exhaustive administrator documentation for discovery practitioners. It explains each different mailbox creator and gives the types of mailbox items that are stored in them. Comment or email [...]

By |2024-07-03T17:20:34-05:00July 3rd, 2024|Essay, Legal Holds, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

Peek-A-Boo! Teams File Preview

Users will now see preview images of Teams chat attachments without having to open them. I see the productivity and even security advantages of reducing file access, downloads, etc. The preview functionality does not work for files marked Confidential or that a user does not have access to. It does raise questions that I was not able to find answers for. Image from [...]

Microsoft Moves Your Meeting Transcripts

Do you use transcripts and AI generated summaries? Teams meeting transcripts have raised many eDiscovery, privacy and compliance questions since their introduction. Microsoft announced changes to transcript storage locations, default access permissions and more this month at Build 2024. I added my perspective notes to the Teams blast text below. June 12, 2024 Collaborative notes for channel meetings Work together with members of your [...]

Microsoft Recall = User Ephemeral ESI

Doug Austin and Prosearch have been covering Recall privacy concerns. It is not surprising that the local Recall database is hackable. Many forensic peers would call that an ‘accessibility feature’ for discovery scenarios. Will savvy plaintiff counsel add language to their demand letters requiring Recall enablement and content preservation for key custodians in scenarios with ongoing behavior issues? This is essentially user ephemeral data. [...]

Microsoft Copilot+ Can Now Recall EVERYTHING Your Witness Did

I may have to drop my ‘Microsoft has no memory’ tagline. Below is from my latest Geek Guide page covering Microsoft 365 eDiscovery and compliance sources, applications, exceptions and coping strategies. May 20, 2024 Microsoft announced a new generation of AI enabled Copilot+ PC's that would run preloaded AI models locally and provide extended AI functionality at the endpoint. For eDiscovery and compliance professionals, [...]

By |2024-05-28T17:26:22-05:00May 28th, 2024|Essay, Analytics|0 Comments

Purview eDiscovery Integration Partners

Can your eDiscovery Platform integrate with the M365 Purview eDiscovery API? This Geek Guide page holds a quick list of products either listed on Microsoft’s formal partner index or has briefed me in the past about their M365 integration capabilities. The API capabilities have been rapidly expanding and most are still in beta stage of release. The general API functionality columns are based [...]

By |2024-05-16T17:27:24-05:00May 16th, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture, GeekGuide|0 Comments

Leveraging the Purview eDiscovery API

What can your eDiscovery Platform do through the M365 Purview eDiscovery’s new API? My recent blog covering the potential API fees for exports highlighted the risk of the traditional ‘pump and dump’ custodial approach to M365 ESI. The eDiscovery API can do a lot more than just bulk exports managed by many integration partners. I have multiple global corporate clients managing their in-place [...]

Purview eDiscovery Export Checklist

Where did that collection come from? I had a long Teams session with an old friend wrestling with certifying collections made by corporate clients. He raised many legitimate concerns regarding Microsoft 365 search limitations and source complexities. The conversation inspired me to create a fast Purview eDiscovery collection checklist to covering the overall decisions, scope, criteria and process. While I prefer formal protocols and [...]

By |2024-05-14T17:24:13-05:00May 14th, 2024|Essay, Collectors, Compliance, Legal Holds, Search, GeekGuide|0 Comments
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