
Measuring Your In-House eDiscovery Maturity

I love surveys. Even surveys from Providers that I know are going to be skewed by their customer base. In this case, the 220 respondents (I had to ask Exterro for that number) on their in-house benchmarking survey skewed towards mid-tier to global corporations without a formal eDiscovery team. Wow. Only 4% of respondents said that they had a dedicated eDiscovery project manager running [...]

By |2020-10-13T16:51:36-05:00October 13th, 2020|United States, Corporate, News|0 Comments

Connectors are Key to Unified Data Management

Many years ago as a product manager at Symantec (now Veritas again), I advocated for the acquisition of Globanet because they were a key partner in so many of our compliance-eDiscovery deals. The Veritas Compliance Portfolio covers the core enterprise unstructured data sources (file shares, Office365, Box, Exchange, SharePoint and many more) with a variety of solutions. Their eDiscovery Platform even does remote laptop [...]

Other Shoe Drops on COVID-19 Employer Lawsuits

Despite early articles proclaiming a dearth of COVID-19 related lawsuits, the first waves have hit the courts. I was disappointed that a law firm article focused on recommendations that were outdated before it hit the digital presses instead of clear litigation preparedness guidelines. Back in July I outlined some better practices for corporate litigation defense preparations as businesses reopened. My point here is that [...]

By |2020-09-02T10:37:38-05:00September 2nd, 2020|United States, Caselaw, Preservation, News|0 Comments

Peering into the SMB eDiscovery Market

This blog relies on two of Logikcull’s surveys, 2020 Corporate In-Housing Survey (behind the contact wall) and a curiously untitled joint survey with As you might expect from the snippets, their message is that in-house legal teams are focused on reducing spend and can do so with their services. While I agree with the overall idea that reducing data reduces review spend, I [...]

By |2020-08-24T16:22:53-05:00August 24th, 2020|United States, News, Matter Management, SMB, Management|0 Comments

FCPA Compliance Key – Mapping Players to Transactions

Having supported far too many FCPA investigations over the last 30 years, the hardest initial step is untangling the key employees, contractors, agents and foreign players involved in doing business overseas. The TGC article provides a solid checklist for compliance defensibility that many corporate clients would shy away from because of the heavy manual overhead required. Most enterprise content management systems now include categorization/tagging [...]

Workplace – Corporate Private Facebook

Globanet has been expanding their connectors and their repository integrations like Relativity and Veritas eDP (Clearwell) with every new release. I have not yet run into Facebook’s Workplace ($0-$8/month) in the field, but the pressure of adapting to remote working is bound to get some departments playing with it. As with Yammer, Jabber, Slack and others social collaboration platforms, Workplace does not appear to [...]

Dedicated Non-US RelOne Instance?

Most eDiscovery M&A is all about consolidating customer bases or creating a more exciting technology solution. Press releases focus on the ‘better together’ story and frequently skip hard details like potential redundancies or layoffs. The snippet above about a ‘dedicated RelativityOne environment in Canada’ caught my attention. Legility has not yet responded to my questions about whether this instance is Legility owned, hosted and [...]

By |2020-08-11T16:23:44-05:00August 11th, 2020|News, Canada, Processing, Analysis, Review|1 Comment

eDiscovery Consolidation – HaystackID & NightOwl

The eDiscovery market continues to stratify into global players and boutique shops. The merger of HaystackID and NightOwl does seem to have potential synergy since both focused on corporate managed services at different phases of the eDiscovery lifecycle. It will be interesting to see if we have a small round of layoffs after the dust settles. Can the merged company successfully pull market share [...]

By |2020-08-04T17:02:53-05:00August 4th, 2020|United States, Provider, News|0 Comments

Best Hosted Analytics Options for Non-Litigation Discovery?

My philosophy is once a client, always a client. Got what seemed to be a typical referral request from a counsel I had recently supported on a corporate client matter. The classic, “Who do you recommend for Relativity hosting?” quickly went down a rabbit hole of new generation data sources, foreign language docs and such that wrote off any of the new self-service providers/platforms. [...]

Low Early COVID-19 Lawsuit Numbers – Lull Before the Storm?

The relatively low rate of COVID-19 work safety lawsuits is not surprising while we are in the midst of the pandemic. I expect an inevitable surge in personal injury advertisements after we have an effective treatment or vaccine. “Were you or a loved one infected at work? Let the tough, smart lawyers at Acme Firm fight for your fair compensation!” I am not saying [...]

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