Legal Holds

Unlimited Mailboxes = Email Hoarding?

The pace of corporate migrations to Microsoft 365 (the new name for Office 365) has accelerated over the last nine years (2011 launch). I have supported these migrations of most of my long term clients with policy reviews, preservation audits, workflow adaptions and more. Two to five years post-migration my health checks and annual discovery metrics reports tell a universal tale of bloated mailboxes. [...]

Rapid Changes to Microsoft AED2 UI

Even though Microsoft just released their new version of the Advanced eDiscovery (AED2) interface, they seem to be releasing UI changes in relatively short development cycles. That is good if you are waiting for the Graph API functions to integrate with AED2, but bad if you already updated your protocols and documentation. This update changes the workflow for adding a Custodian or Data Source [...]

By |2020-11-20T16:46:38-06:00November 20th, 2020|Preservation, News, Legal Holds, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

eDJBrief: Relativity & Microsoft 365

With Microsoft retiring their Advanced eDiscovery v.1, some related PowerShell cmdlets and soon the Core eDiscovery interface, I asked the Relativity team for a briefing on how these changes might affect my clients using RelativityOne for in-place holds and collections. Overall I am happy to understand that the Microsoft-Relativity relationship is active and strong. The Relativity Legal Holds team has been aware of Microsoft’s [...]

The Money Behind eDiscovery Investors

Several headlines and familiar names caught my eye as I skimmed my weekend feed. The founder of Vista Equity Partners (Robert F. Smith) announced a $140M settlement with the DOJ and the IRS while his long term Texas business partner Robert T. Brockman was charged with evading $2 billion in taxes, the ‘largest-ever’ tax fraud case to date. Vista’s co-founder Brian Sheth is said [...]

By |2020-10-19T17:42:09-05:00October 19th, 2020|Provider, Platform, Essay, Legal Holds, Matter Management|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: Logikcull’s InHouse2020 – Evolving DIY eDiscovery

Having been off the ‘speaker circuit’ for the last couple years, I have had a hard time prioritizing virtual conferences while focused on relaunching the eDiscovery Journal. Logikcull asked for me to cover their InHouse 2020 virtual networking event and frankly some of the corporate focused sessions looked interesting. Between accepting their invitation and the event my clients and a research engagement consumed that [...]

By |2020-10-21T09:45:24-05:00October 13th, 2020|Platform, Essay, Legal Holds, SMB|0 Comments

Connectors are Key to Unified Data Management

Many years ago as a product manager at Symantec (now Veritas again), I advocated for the acquisition of Globanet because they were a key partner in so many of our compliance-eDiscovery deals. The Veritas Compliance Portfolio covers the core enterprise unstructured data sources (file shares, Office365, Box, Exchange, SharePoint and many more) with a variety of solutions. Their eDiscovery Platform even does remote laptop [...]

Are you Ready for the October Wave of Pandemic Layoffs?

Many corporations and smaller businesses took COVID-19 stimulus funds that prevented them from mass furloughs or layoffs until October. That employee protection is about to run out. Hundreds of thousands of workers will log off after receiving the bad news by email or phone. Many of them will walk away with thumb drives full of customer lists, contacts, competitive pricing and other sensitive corporate [...]

By |2020-09-18T15:42:39-05:00September 18th, 2020|Essay, Legal Holds|0 Comments

Trust But Verify Includes Your Executives

Sanctions and adverse inference rulings are far too rare in my opinion. That is because far too often opposing productions are not scrutinized and compared against your own collections. Too few counsel run the metrics of key witnesses and wonder why their email counts suddenly dropped or vanished during the critical time frame. Lawyers should practice law and stay focused on evidence and merits [...]

By |2020-09-10T15:19:26-05:00September 10th, 2020|Caselaw, News, Compliance, Legal Holds|0 Comments

Are You Ready for Thousands of Zoom-Teams Transcripts?

This week Microsoft added an automated transcription feature to their online Word. It is easy to use and renders a surprisingly accurate transcript that differentiates between speakers and keeps the times of the conversation segments. This is great from a user perspective. Why bother to keep meeting notes when you have a free transcript of everything said? It does present some challenges to your [...]

10 Ways Zapproved Says You Have to Spend to Save

I try to read provider marketing papers when they are not hidden behind the contact collection wall, especially when they promise lists of cost saving tips. In this case, the list of ten tips seems to boil down to in-sourcing your ediscovery and buy Zapproved’s products. The overall principals behind the ‘tips’ are sound if rather obvious. Unfortunately, my PDF copy was missing all [...]

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