eDJNews editor or peer comments on recent public articles, press releases or caselaw are personal opinions and do not infringe on the source copyright. Please send Greg any interesting links for possible discussion.
Too Many Terms for Predictive Coding!
Take Rob Robinson’s 5th survey on PC adoption. My recent engagements have had me elbow deep leveraging analytics and supporting retained counsel in the […]
Dedicated Non-US RelOne Instance?
Most eDiscovery M&A is all about consolidating customer bases or creating a more exciting technology solution. Press releases focus on the ‘better together’ story […]
Can Reveal-NexLP Analytics Solution Compete with RelOne CAAT?
When Jay Leib and team created the NexLP Story Engine™ in 2013 it only ran on top of a Relativity instance. That made sense […]
Not So Simple Messaging?
Far too many of the marketing emails that wind up in my feeds or Inboxes do not convey the ‘simple’ functionality of the product […]
The New Buzzword – New Law?
Always interesting to see a new marketing term floated to see if it will stick. Zack provides good context and differentiation of the ‘New […]
eDiscovery Consolidation – HaystackID & NightOwl
The eDiscovery market continues to stratify into global players and boutique shops. The merger of HaystackID and NightOwl does seem to have potential synergy […]