
Substrate – M365’s Hidden Compliance Service

Have you ever wondered how Microsoft conquered the challenges of federated enterprise search? They cheated. This post and many more are part of a new 'collaboration hub' that I am hosting on the eDiscovery Journal site to share quickly changing information and 'better practices' for enterprise eDiscovery (mostly M365 for now). While writing a "Purview eDiscovery for Dummy's" draft I realized that some of [...]

Understanding M365 eDiscovery API Export Fees

Surprise API bill, courtesy of Copilot eDiscovery platforms with Microsoft 365 collection integrations could create unexpected Microsoft fees for customers. While researching a new resource on the Microsoft eDiscovery API I stumbled over a $15/GB fee for exceeding your ‘seeded capacity’. Purview eDiscovery may meet the requirements of SMB companies with minimal litigation or regulatory profiles. Global corporations and highly regulated companies [...]

GC Report 2024 – Rapid Change Indeed

Part 4 of Ari Kaplan’s annual GC Report sponsored by Relativity and FTI Technology has good survey metrics and better quotes from 60 legal department leaders.  Download the free reports to read Ari’s excellent perspectives. I pulled a couple quotes to comment on below. Legal department transformation from incident response to proactive risk management. The approach shift from reactive to proactive was most clearly [...]

By |2024-04-16T17:37:58-05:00April 16th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Hey Copilot, How Much Does My Boss Make?

Copilot’s retrieval capabilities may tempt disgruntled, departing or politically devious employees to fire off prompts for sensitive pricing lists, salaries, roadmaps and other corporate data jewels not secured appropriately. Copilot effectively empowers EVERY employee with a smart eDiscovery search tool. The key to managing this risk is a mature, flexible M365 group security program. Easier said than done. Security and investigators can access user [...]

By |2024-04-08T16:45:08-05:00April 8th, 2024|Analytics, News, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Microsoft Moved My Cheese

Microsoft announced that they have conquered unified cloud storage and migrated all of your M365 ESI to a secured, secret Syntex Alternative Reality Services platform that contains all of mankind’s ESI. This unified information pool has catalyzed the first General Artificial Intelligence code named AZURENET. Your M365 tithes will be increasing to match your income and your personal CoPilot will have your calendar completely [...]

By |2024-04-01T16:08:38-05:00April 1st, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Doing the eDiscovery C-Suite Shuffle

I gently declined to cover multiple recent c-suite appointments because I could not answer my “Why should you care?” query. When reviewed en masse, the executive shuffling points to some interesting eDiscovery market trends. Below are some 2024 executive appointments with some of their prior companies. This was an fast query (and  neither Copilot or Gemini were helpful), so it will be incomplete. My [...]

By |2024-03-28T17:10:15-05:00March 28th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Time to Truth

The ‘preserve broadly, collect narrowly’ eDiscovery approach has a hidden cost. It delays your ‘time to truth’ by a year in most cases. It robs counsel of key facts and evidence hidden in custodial in-place holds. M365, Google and other cloud repositories now have search and basic eDiscovery features to validate interviews. How many times have reviewers stumbled onto conflicting documents, reports or messages [...]

By |2024-03-26T15:05:41-05:00March 26th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Curation – the Human Meaning behind the AI Facts

How do you keep up with our rapidly evolving eDiscovery world? Are bloggers (content creators) valuable in our GenAI world? An article by Joan Westenberg titled Curation is the last best hope of intelligent discourse answered my existential angst with marvelous clarity. First the problem space: “The current state of AI technology lacks the nuanced understanding and ethical judgment necessary to ensure the accuracy [...]

By |2024-03-18T16:51:07-05:00March 18th, 2024|Essay|3 Comments

eDJ Brief: Casepoint FOIA and Legal Holds

Casepoint has rolled out FOIA and Legal Hold modules to solve government and corporate pain points. The key value I see is the deep integration of complex task management workflows with the underlying eDiscovery platform. I have seen many tracking systems for FOIA, DSAR and other external information requests. Few integrate both repositories (M365, Google, Box, etc.) and eDiscovery platforms. Similarly, most Legal [...]

By |2024-03-12T16:23:31-05:00March 12th, 2024|Platform, Essay, Legal Holds|0 Comments

The Supreme Cost of Lingering Metadata

Supreme Court politics aside, the lingering metadata demonstrates the potential a risk and value of editorial metadata embedded within documents that have not been ‘scrubbed’ prior to production. Even when revision history has been disabled, legal hold or retention policies may create unlimited versions based on Auto-Save settings. Using Save A Copy may retained older version history.  Revision history in SharePoint defaults to 500 [...]

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