
Ongoing M365 Tenant Upgrades/Migrations

Last year I found and published eDiscovery/Content search errors related to Microsoft 365’s ongoing changes to tenant search infrastructure and the new version of Advanced eDiscovery (AED). I have recently encountered similar AED search issues after another way of upgrades was rolled out to new clients. Given the monstrous global scale of corporate M365 adoption, it is entirely possible that this is the same [...]

M365 Advanced eDiscovery Spring Update

Microsoft’s Information & Protection teams are rolling out Advanced eDiscovery(AED) updates at a remarkable rate. The product team’s April 7th webinar and presentation deck has not yet been published, but I wanted to share some perspectives on how these updates may impact AED users. The pandemic has driven E5 license upgrades and features to support remote employees, which makes AED usage more practical for [...]

A Different Perspective on eDiscovery Market Size

eDiscovery Related Markets My thanks to the peers who took the time to question my belief that the eDiscovery market has always been undervalued or mis-defined in annual market sizing reports. I do not doubt the effort and diligence of analysts, marketing teams and consultants who have aggregated public and best available private revenue numbers from eDiscovery tech and service companies. Instead, [...]

By |2021-04-06T11:13:15-05:00April 6th, 2021|Essay, Global, Services, SMB, Market, Purchase|0 Comments

What Silver Lake’s Rumored $3.6B Relativity Investment Means to eDiscovery

I believe that Silver Lake’s reported $3.6B pre-IPO minority investment in Relativity means that every analyst firm sizing of the core eDiscovery market is and always has been dead wrong. My friend Rob Robinson conveniently publishes an annual eDiscovery Market Size Mashup averaging all the published analyst numbers together. These wise and trained market analyst projections average just $3.76B for 2021 eDiscovery software and $7.63B in services. Really? Maybe [...]

By |2021-04-02T11:07:24-05:00April 2nd, 2021|Provider, Corporate, Essay, Global, Market, Purchase|0 Comments

Cracks in Relativity’s Market Dominance?

Reveal-Brainspace continues to make traction with eDiscovery service providers. Onboarding 25 new partners in a single quarter speaks volumes and requires a mature partnership engine. UnitedLex was a Relativity Best in Service partner as recently as 2016. In fact, they are still a Relativity Certified Partner. With large discovery matters lasting 2-4 years, most clients prefer to let them age off a platform rather [...]

By |2021-03-25T11:04:59-05:00March 25th, 2021|Platform, Provider, Analytics, News, Analysis, Review, Purchase|0 Comments

Aryaka Global WAN Report Take-Aways

What can a 1,350 global enterprise survey tell us about the evolving composition and location of ESI? Although Araka’s fifth annual survey is focused on WAN and security infrastructure, it contains nuggets with eDiscovery impact. Over 80% of respondents expect more than 25% of workers to remain remote, confirming that the hybrid work environment is here to stay. 46% of respondents have deployed over [...]

By |2021-03-23T15:30:21-05:00March 23rd, 2021|Essay, Global, ESI Sources, Architecture|0 Comments

M365 AED Collections – Not Actually Collected

The latest update to the M365 Advanced eDiscovery console is on their way to your or your client’s tenant. While this change seems to be primarily cosmetic (renaming Searches to Collections tab), there are some important things going on under the surface. In my recent blog on Handling M365 Unindexed Content I explained how AED automatically processes and reindexes partially or unindexed items placed [...]

eDJ Brief: ZyLab ONE

Slowly but surely I am resuming regular briefings with providers. I remember when ZyLab first jumped into the US eDiscovery market with their hybrid archive/investigation tool. Thanks to Scott Hunter for walking me through their most recent release. In my not-always humble opinion, ZyLab always reminded me of Nuix. An innovative, independent architecture paired with a techie GUI that lagged the US market leader’s [...]

Enterprise Classification – Minimizing the Impact of Data Breaches

Typical Response Tasks ·   Preservation ·   Forensics ·   Log analysis ·   Malware reverse engineering ·   Surveillance ·   Remediation ·   Endpoint detection & response ·   Exfiltration – eDiscovery ·   Physical security ·   Regulatory compliance ·   Consumer notification ·   Legal response ·   Law enforcement liaison The latest Microsoft Exchange breach moved downstream to 60,000+ SMB victims from the Solar Wind’s hack that targeted Microsoft and government [...]

Handling M365 AED Unindexed Content

A question to the eDiscovery Facebook group asked how others were handling the unindexed items reported in M365 core and AED searches. If you have not run M365 eDiscovery searches yet or not noticed the Status section of the search detail page, it provides the item count and volume of ‘unsearchable items’ in the sources that your search. In my recent legal hold validation [...]

By |2021-03-03T18:04:28-06:00March 3rd, 2021|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture, Search|0 Comments
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