
FCPA Compliance Key – Mapping Players to Transactions

Having supported far too many FCPA investigations over the last 30 years, the hardest initial step is untangling the key employees, contractors, agents and foreign players involved in doing business overseas. The TGC article provides a solid checklist for compliance defensibility that many corporate clients would shy away from because of the heavy manual overhead required. Most enterprise content management systems now include categorization/tagging [...]

Do You Trust Your PC/TAR?

I am not recommending that you read this draft academic paper. It is pretty dry and focused mainly on societal trust of A. I. systems. Rob Robinson quotes the full introduction section that details the above four principals before diving into academic jargon.  Lack of trust and ‘explanation accuracy’ seem to be the primary adoption barriers to PC/TAR relevance determination scenarios. Counsel is fine [...]

By |2020-08-21T10:27:38-05:00August 21st, 2020|Analytics, News, Academic, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

Role Play – An Essential Training Tool

I use soft skills developed through decades of tabletop RPGs every day to draw out client pain points, brainstorm solution scenarios and build team consensus. The military employs professional role players to support their operational live training scenarios. Depo prep and mock trials are role playing exercises. Although the article is campy and does not provide a lot of practical professional applications for leveraging [...]

By |2020-08-19T13:47:55-05:00August 19th, 2020|News|0 Comments

Workplace – Corporate Private Facebook

Globanet has been expanding their connectors and their repository integrations like Relativity and Veritas eDP (Clearwell) with every new release. I have not yet run into Facebook’s Workplace ($0-$8/month) in the field, but the pressure of adapting to remote working is bound to get some departments playing with it. As with Yammer, Jabber, Slack and others social collaboration platforms, Workplace does not appear to [...]

Free Consultations? Good Karma is Its Own Reward

I have always done free ‘good karma’ calls for former or future clients. I am happy to share off-the-cuff knowledge, contact info or resource links without any expectations. I can see why an attorney would hesitate to provide legal advice without a formal relationship. I frequently run into questions that would require my time and effort to understand their infrastructure, policies, user practices, etc. [...]

By |2020-08-12T15:23:21-05:00August 12th, 2020|Provider, News, Firm|1 Comment

Too Many Terms for Predictive Coding!

Take Rob Robinson’s 5th survey on PC adoption. My recent engagements have had me elbow deep leveraging analytics and supporting retained counsel in the relevance hunt, so I answered Rob’s five questions this year. PC/TAR systems, models, workflows and usage cases have gotten COMPLICATED. Complicated enough that Rob has complied a background list of definitions for the many different shades of machine learning. I [...]

By |2020-08-12T10:05:57-05:00August 12th, 2020|Analytics, News, Analysis|0 Comments

Dedicated Non-US RelOne Instance?

Most eDiscovery M&A is all about consolidating customer bases or creating a more exciting technology solution. Press releases focus on the ‘better together’ story and frequently skip hard details like potential redundancies or layoffs. The snippet above about a ‘dedicated RelativityOne environment in Canada’ caught my attention. Legility has not yet responded to my questions about whether this instance is Legility owned, hosted and [...]

By |2020-08-11T16:23:44-05:00August 11th, 2020|News, Canada, Processing, Analysis, Review|1 Comment

Can Reveal-NexLP Analytics Solution Compete with RelOne CAAT?

When Jay Leib and team created the NexLP Story Engine™ in 2013 it only ran on top of a Relativity instance. That made sense given the team’s deep Relativity knowledge and relationships. I always wondered how long that dependence would last following kCura’s 2016 acquisition of Content Analyst. It lasted a lot longer than I initially expected. So the real question here is how [...]

By |2020-08-11T13:30:15-05:00August 11th, 2020|Platform, Provider, Analytics, News, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

Not So Simple Messaging?

Far too many of the marketing emails that wind up in my feeds or Inboxes do not convey the ‘simple’ functionality of the product or service. It is frustrating to have to go to a web site to figure out that SimpleLegal is a cloud based legal billing management platform. eBilling is a reality for corporations with any real litigation profile. Since Mitratech seems [...]

By |2020-08-06T16:35:43-05:00August 6th, 2020|News, Matter Management, Management|0 Comments

The New Buzzword – New Law?

Always interesting to see a new marketing term floated to see if it will stick. Zack provides good context and differentiation of the ‘New Law’ solutions being spun out of firms. We have known that the traditional partner track firm model has been slowly eroding. The days of massed associates pulling 12 hours coding shifts to plow through millions of documents are ending. Many [...]

By |2020-08-05T11:59:00-05:00August 5th, 2020|Provider, Firm, News, Analysis, Review|0 Comments
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