
eDJ Brief: Evidence Optix – Visualizing Proportionality

A good friend from my Summation days put Insight Optix CEO Mandi Ross in touch with me to explore her new cloud matter scoping platform, Evidence Optix (EO). At first I struggled with whether matter scoping and cost estimation was a broad enough pain point to interest my corporate clients. Most of my legal ops engagements include matter budgets and tools for inside counsel [...]

Is Deletion Dead?

Over the decades I have driven far too many defensible deletion, classification or similar initiatives aimed at removing the ROT from corporate local, network and cloud data stores. I have wondered many times whether these were Sisyphean tasks even as I generated ROI estimates based on data reduction to justify the technology and labor costs. Most of these projects achieved tangible short term corporate [...]

By |2021-10-13T12:24:33-05:00October 12th, 2021|Essay, Preservation, Content Management|2 Comments

Go Ahead, Be Obscene in that Teams Meeting

The Obscenity list was one of the first automatic classification lists my team built into our Summation databases back in the bad old Enron days. We were one of the first defendants forced to search and review native raw email from the Exchange journal. Energy traders had filthy mouths and it was an easy way to spot heightened emotions. We also learned to route [...]

IPRO-ZyLAB: Further eDiscovery Consolidation

Yet another acquisition in the accelerating consolidation of the eDiscovery market space. In this case there is some functional overlap offset by clear differentiation in solution strengths. In my opinion, both players peaked early in the eDiscovery market and were being left behind until recently. Maybe the ParkerGale Capital money and guidance will forge a real competitor to the evolving Relativity-Reveal-Exterro battle royal.  For [...]

Teams Collections Complications – MC261534

M365 Teams collections are already challenging corporate eDiscovery and provider teams with hidden SharePoint and OneDrive sites. Today’s Major Change Update Notification (MC261534 - reproduced at end for non-admins) covers the June-July roll out of Roadmap ID 81945 that dramatically expands custodian’s ability to associate existing/other Teams sites and automatically create private channel sites. More importantly, non-admin custodians are losing the ability to manually [...]

Ongoing M365 Tenant Upgrades/Migrations

Last year I found and published eDiscovery/Content search errors related to Microsoft 365’s ongoing changes to tenant search infrastructure and the new version of Advanced eDiscovery (AED). I have recently encountered similar AED search issues after another way of upgrades was rolled out to new clients. Given the monstrous global scale of corporate M365 adoption, it is entirely possible that this is the same [...]

Sanctions for eDiscovery Incompetence – Finally

Disdain and frustration fills the 256 page opinion from US District Judge Iain D. Johnston sanctioning defense counsel and defendant. The Gibbons Law Alert summary manages to convey some of this, rightfully calling it “a veritable Keystone Kops series of discovery errors and misrepresentations spanning several years.” Judge Johnston’s righteous ire over counsel’s ‘indifference’ and ‘incompetence’ regarding the defendant’s behavior that resulted in incomplete [...]

By |2021-03-30T10:55:40-05:00March 30th, 2021|Caselaw, Essay, Preservation, Compliance, Collection|2 Comments

M365 AED Collections – Not Actually Collected

The latest update to the M365 Advanced eDiscovery console is on their way to your or your client’s tenant. While this change seems to be primarily cosmetic (renaming Searches to Collections tab), there are some important things going on under the surface. In my recent blog on Handling M365 Unindexed Content I explained how AED automatically processes and reindexes partially or unindexed items placed [...]

What is Your Messaging App Tracking?

In the days of on-site policy assessment engagements, I loved asking random attendees to step away from their laptops so that I could ‘compliance check’ them. For new or stuffy clients I would ask the MIS/Security stakeholder to pick some random ‘safe’ machines on the floor for the check. Inevitably, every poor admin chosen had stashes of PSTs/MSGs, private gmail mailboxes open, various chat [...]

It’s a Jump to the Left – Relativity Acquires VerQu

Relativity’s acquisition of VerQu makes a lot of sense from the corporate RelativityOne customer perspective. Once integrated, the VerQu Hydra connectors have the potential to dramatically expand the scope of holds, in-place searches and collections. The pandemic has escalated adoption of Teams, video conferencing and a myriad of collaboration platforms that Hydra already gives customers access to. In a happy coincidence, VerQu was on [...]

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