Content Management

100% Retention as a Knowledge Strategy – Case Study

The majority of corporate professional knowledge workers shifted to remote or hybrid working in 2020. Working from home has challenged many HR, legal and compliance departments to adapt their policies and acceptable use guidelines. Video online meetings and continuous chat channels are essential tools to keep internal/external teams virtually connected. Prior to the pandemic, most of my clients viewed meeting recordings and multi-party chat [...]

The Video Dilemma, Risk vs. Value

The Pandemic continues to change how we communicate, do business and manage our lives. Teams and Zoom video meetings from our home offices are the new business casual. Invitations to webinars, vblogs, online classes and conferences fill our feeds. A quick search for eDiscovery webinars in the last three weeks yielded 4,290 hits. Marketing and sales executives are franticly creating online video content that [...]

By |2021-11-23T08:57:45-06:00November 23rd, 2021|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources, Architecture|1 Comment

Post Pandemic Paradigm Shift in Corporate Discovery?

2020 was a write off for many in the eDiscovery market. Client initiatives held or cancelled outright while the judiciary granted mass continuances as they struggled with the transition to remote hearings. Many of my long-term clients issued work stoppages that lasted more than six months. 2021 arrived carrying all those backlogged matters and projects. After a few quarters scrambling to catch up and [...]

Is Deletion Dead?

Over the decades I have driven far too many defensible deletion, classification or similar initiatives aimed at removing the ROT from corporate local, network and cloud data stores. I have wondered many times whether these were Sisyphean tasks even as I generated ROI estimates based on data reduction to justify the technology and labor costs. Most of these projects achieved tangible short term corporate [...]

By |2021-10-13T12:24:33-05:00October 12th, 2021|Essay, Preservation, Content Management|2 Comments

Go Ahead, Be Obscene in that Teams Meeting

The Obscenity list was one of the first automatic classification lists my team built into our Summation databases back in the bad old Enron days. We were one of the first defendants forced to search and review native raw email from the Exchange journal. Energy traders had filthy mouths and it was an easy way to spot heightened emotions. We also learned to route [...]

Teams Workspace Hubs = ESI Evolution

Microsoft and Google are busy re-inventing how knowledge workers collaborate. Many of us have stumbled onto complex sets of interdependent Excel workbooks being shared by accounting, sales and other teams. With good chain-of-custody procedures, I have reconfigured environments so that counsel or experts could manually review these ‘semi-structured’ file sets to extract potentially relevant snapshots. The breadth of sources simultaneously touched by Teams and [...]

Apple Scanning ALL U.S. iPhones in a BYOD World

Apple plans to start scanning all U.S. iPhones for images of child sexual abuse using a tool called “neuralMatch” or “NeuralHash” against a database of known images. Womble Dickinson’s JDSupra article covers many of the high-level privacy concerns and explores Apple’s plans for a service that will scan encrypted messages for sexually explicit content to provide parental notice. Using a generated hash to check [...]

Videos Gone in 60 Seconds (Days): Teams Meeting Recordings

Just a quick update as MSFT continues to consolidate storage architectures and change defaults. Per Roadmap 84580 this change will be rolled out next month.  I rarely see legal holds issued for meetings that occurred within the last 2 months, so conservative or regulated companies should extend the default retention period for TMRs to match your current base retention period. I am sure that [...]

By |2021-08-03T13:27:10-05:00August 3rd, 2021|News, Legal Holds, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Custodian Working Styles – Key to Deciphering Decisions?

The recent raft of spoliation sanctions like Iacovacci v. Brevet Holdings, LLC seem to share fundamental misunderstandings around where key decision communications resided and how to preserve them. Broadly worded legal hold notices do indeed usually cover text and chat messages. Rarely do they convey practical instructions on preservation. In my opinion, these informal communication channels were once viewed as ‘non-records’ and avoided by [...]

By |2021-07-31T09:11:41-05:00July 29th, 2021|Info Gov, Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Disappearing Teams Recordings/Transcripts?

Have your held Teams recordings or transcripts vanished after 21 days? There is an explanation, though I feel like I am stuck in an M365 eDiscovery issue rut. Really, I would like to be writing about more positive topics. This one popped up outside my usual eDiscovery testing while working with a new tech startup that heavily leverages recordings/transcripts for customer research, feature stories [...]

By |2021-06-24T15:05:20-05:00June 24th, 2021|Essay, Content Management, ESI Sources, Search|0 Comments
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