eDJ Brief: Redgrave Data @ LegalWeek 2024
Redgrave Data has carved out the data science driven bespoke consulting niche in an eDiscovery market dominated by traditional technology, hosting services and audit firms. Jeremy Pickens and CTO Mark Noel walked me through some of their rapid growth and recent engagements. My Legal Week 2023 briefing focused on defining the newly launched business. Since then, the five founders have been on a selective hiring [...]
eDJ Brief: Everlaw @ LegalWeek 2024
Everlaw seems to be an exception to the SEC’s “AI Washing” warning about the current tech hype cycle. Everlaw was called out by several Legal Week peers as one of the few to leverage AI in a practical, safe workflow. My early morning briefing with founder AJ Shankar turned into a much more philosophical technical deep dive than I expected after my first coffee. [...]
eDJ Brief: ModeOne @ Legal Week 2024
Matt Rasmussen ModeOne provides one of the few, possibly the only, technology for practical, selective preservation and collection of mobile content from busy corporate employees. For over a decade I have been proclaiming the need for eDiscovery workflows to address mobile device content. Beyond the technical challenges and extended time required to take full forensic images of custodial phones, the comingling of [...]
M365 Roadmap: January 2024
I really should have done January before the LegalWeek craziness. Microsoft made 391 new or updated roadmap items with a couple that should be on your radar. The Purview team told me to watch for the new Purview eDiscovery (Premium) legal hold reports due to hit GA end of February. This has been a pain point since the platform stopped reporting metrics on holds. [...]
eDJ Fast Take – LegalWeek 2024
LegalWeek is BACK. The crowds. The energy. Packed exhibit floor booths. If the founding legal technology conference is a market indicator, 2024 will be a boom year for eDiscovery. 2023’s atmosphere felt tentative and unsure with booths reporting dead time and reduced prospects. All three exhibit floors were packed every time I managed to make a pass. A well-known exhibitor, “We reached our event badge [...]
eDJ 2024 Kick Off – LegalWeek & More
My thanks to all the peers and providers that filled my calendar for the show next week! Apologies for anyone who attempted to use my Microsoft Booking page without success. At least I was able to untangle the vast majority of double-booked slots and wrong time zones it produced. I hope to get some time with peers at social events or just on the floor. [...]
M365 RoadMap: December 2023
Q3 has been relatively quiet for major Purview eDiscovery releases. The primary area that eDiscovery peers should watch is the steady integration of CoPilot generative AI and Loop content across the M365 suite. In response to a recent request, I did run fast tests to confirm that Teams meeting transcripts are searchable and seem to still be stored in hidden folders within the mailbox [...]
LegalWeek 2024: Evolving with the Market
Like many of you, I am filling my social/business for LegalWeek. Providers and peers should claim a briefing slot on my Booking page before they fill up. As always, I track the rough metrics on LegalWeek sponsors and exhibitors (see graphs below). Reviewing my coverage of LegalWeek 2023 has me excited to see how 2024 stacks up. Will the exhibit floor still be swamped [...]
M365 Copilot Only Available for Large Enterprises
Corporate ESI lives (and grows) in M365. I spend a lot of time researching and testing new M365 functionality to advise clients on how to meet eDiscovery, compliance and retention requirements. When my friend Jason Velasco posted his “Implement Microsoft 365 Copilot” badge, I knew that I had to pause my Purview testing to dive into Copilot. Only to determine that Copilot license currently has [...]
M365 Roadmap – October 2023
October Microsoft 365 Roadmap modified items with potential eDiscovery impact rated and commented. 404 updates this month with 131 launched. Copilot is the big news. It costs $30/month, but offers a lot for potential productivity improvements. It also poses a lot of potential challenges for compliance and eDiscovery. Feature Impact eDJ comment Description Details Tags - Product Tags - Release phase Release Last Modified 93270 [...]
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