
Ipro Innovations 2015 – Key eDiscovery Trends Shaping the Future

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2015-05-05 16:48:47. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Presentation deck from one hour interactive session covering key trends in eDiscovery and Information Governance in 2015 and beyond. Based on Greg Buckles active market research, enterprise consulting engagements and inquiries. Key areas covered are Office 365/Cloud ESI, mobile devices, analytics and managed services.

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By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Ipro Innovations 2015 – Key eDiscovery Trends Shaping the Future

Ipro Innovations 2015 – Who’s Making the Jump to the Cloud & Why?

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2015-05-05 16:44:00. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Presentation deck from 20 minute general session delivered by Greg Buckles on the impact of ESI sources and eDiscovery technology moving from traditional on-premise data centers to public/private hosted cloud environments.

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By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Ipro Innovations 2015 – Who’s Making the Jump to the Cloud & Why?

2012 Cloud and eDiscovery Survey Results

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2015-03-18 11:52:18. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Detailed survey results from 2012 survey on cloud system adoption and eDiscovery impact. n=176

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By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on 2012 Cloud and eDiscovery Survey Results

2015 Evidence vs Collection Survey

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2015-03-18 11:30:43. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

An eDJ survey that seeks to understand what portion of collected evidence is produced or actually used as evidence in matters. n=53

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By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on 2015 Evidence vs Collection Survey

Separation of Employment: Risk Assessment Workflow

Session workflow or check list to review separation of employment policies and protocols from a discovery readiness perspective. This is not actual policies or protocols. Instead, it is an extended bullet list of separation scenarios to consider and decision elements that your policies/protocols should cover. Every work environment has unique data systems, business models, risks and corporate cultures that must be considered when developing or updating your employee separation guidelines.

Separation of Employment

By |August 10th, 2020|Categories: Info Gov, Regulations, Compliance, Privacy, Research, Security, Management|0 Comments
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