Matter Management

2010 EDRM Metrics ECA Estimation Tool

Volume, cost and time estimation Excel spreadsheet tool originally developed by the EDRM Metrics IV group. Made available since this tool is no longer available as source material on the EDRM Duke site. It was the principal work product of Greg Buckles, Eric Derk and Jack Halprin. Although some of the assumptions are dated, the UTMBS codes are still valid and the formulas are [...]

By |2020-07-22T10:51:53-05:00July 22nd, 2020|Research, Matter Management, Analysis|0 Comments

Low Early COVID-19 Lawsuit Numbers – Lull Before the Storm?

The relatively low rate of COVID-19 work safety lawsuits is not surprising while we are in the midst of the pandemic. I expect an inevitable surge in personal injury advertisements after we have an effective treatment or vaccine. “Were you or a loved one infected at work? Let the tough, smart lawyers at Acme Firm fight for your fair compensation!” I am not saying [...]

Managing Corporate eDiscovery During a Pandemic

Since March, most corporate counsel and discovery response teams have been working remotely. The global pandemic may have paused or slowed many civil courts, regulators and auditors, but not all. Many of my long term corporate clients issued work stoppage orders to control costs and gather information on the potential impact of the pandemic. It is now clear that social distancing and travel restrictions [...]

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