
“Effectively eliminate any need for manual review” – REALLY?

If you are anything like me, you get 10-100 emails per day with eDiscovery press announcements, marketing blasts, webinars and more. Back in 2008 I built a Google CSE to manage the firehose of information and make sure that I kept up with the market. The original used that search engine to create a feed that we culled, curated, classified and commented on. [...]

A Corporate Perspective on Relativity Analytics Usage Cases

I rode along with a full day Relativity analytics training session yesterday. No. It was not billable, but I will be working with that client to develop their workflows and protocols to leverage the analytics in their discovery requests. I consider it a good investment of my time in this time. Besides, I love an excuse to get hands on with tech. Overall, I [...]

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