
Still Using Concordance? CloudNine has a Free Update for You!

Three years ago CloudNine bought Concordance, LAW and EDA from LexisNexis, essentially rescuing those products from fading into obscurity. I had a great interview with Brad Jenkins in which he laid out his plans to revitalize these traditional desktop eDiscovery apps and integrate them into the CloudNine Review™ platform. It is nice to see Concordance get a real feature release after years of neglect. [...]

By |2021-03-11T11:44:51-06:00March 11th, 2021|Investigation, News, Processing, Review|0 Comments

Time to Review Covid Prevention Program – Again

In the prior administration, I highlighted the challenge of constantly changing OSHA/state/CDC website guidelines. We now have the advantage of hindsight, extended scientific research and hopefully guidance based on science rather than politics. The Gibbons alert includes a good summary checklist of prevention program elements. My recommendation is to review your existing prevention program against the minor changes and verify that you did indeed [...]

By |2021-02-10T14:39:23-06:00February 10th, 2021|Corporate, Regulations, Firm, Compliance, News|0 Comments

Discovery Starts with Investigations

The focus of the Ms. Grierson’s law alert is how and why the defendant was forced to produce their legal hold notice communications as part of the spoliation determination. What I found more interesting in the source Radiation Oncology Servs. of Cent. N.Y., P.C. v. Our Lady of Lourdes Mem’l Hosp., Inc. decision is how the ‘Chair of the Investigative Committee’ conducted his investigation [...]

By |2021-02-09T15:55:57-06:00February 9th, 2021|Caselaw, Investigation, News, Legal Holds|0 Comments

Good Quotes from GC’s on Evolving Corporate Legal

I miss conducting interviews and building statistics to quantify aspects of the eDiscovery Market. At least Ari Kaplan has done a good job conducting 31 interviews with Fortune 1000 GC’s for us. Most of his results and good quotes resonate with what I have heard from clients/peers over the last year. Corporate legal taking more in house with less resources. Investing in technology, but [...]

By |2021-02-05T13:02:11-06:00February 5th, 2021|Corporate, News|0 Comments

Relativity Acquires Partner Innovations, Again

Relativity has long had a strategy of partner driven innovation wherein they acquire successful integrated products that are converted to module or features. Just look at Relativity Legal Hold, Collect, etc. for prior examples. I call your attention to how their announcement broadens Relativity’s corporate value proposition from simple eDiscovery to include compliance, data requests, investigations and other information governance usage scenarios. This signals [...]

By |2021-02-02T15:09:59-06:00February 2nd, 2021|Provider, Platform, News, Review, Purchase|0 Comments

The Real Reason Windows Can’t Find Bruce’s OneDrive Files

I found this article last August when I encountered the M365 eDiscovery search error  I recently announced. It is out of date on a couple points, but it has been sitting in my News list because Bruce does a very good job of putting Microsoft Search evolution in context. It is unlikely that the eDiscovery service issue I found contributed to Bruce’s erratic search [...]

By |2021-02-01T17:20:20-06:00February 1st, 2021|News, Architecture, Search|0 Comments

Teams Allows Guests by Default – Hackers Cheer

Because MSFT Admin notices are not posted in a public facing site, I am attaching a PDF of the notice below. Cyber threats and indirect hacking attempts have blossomed in the pandemic remote working age. I brought this change up to cyber security guru John Wilson (HaystackID) on a webinar prep call today. He commented that this could be the equivalent of ‘rolling out [...]

By |2021-01-20T17:16:16-06:00January 20th, 2021|News, Security|0 Comments

Battling Confirmation Bias When Training TAR

In this age of division and widely divergent views of reality, I do a lot of reading trying to understand how so many of us fall down internet rabbit holes into such extreme perspectives. This short article and the prior one on cognitive bias resonated with me on an issue I see frequently when brought in to analyze/support a large TAR review or even [...]

By |2021-01-18T12:47:46-06:00January 18th, 2021|Analytics, News, Analysis, Review|0 Comments

Put Your eDiscovery Skills To Work Saving Democracy

We all want to step up and do something to help our country. If you have access to public or private analytics that can take the extracts from Parler Analysis group or the raw cleaned data from the Archive Team who downloaded it, step up and show the world how your tech and expertise can be used for the common good. Here is another [...]

By |2021-01-13T15:04:48-06:00January 13th, 2021|Investigation, Analytics, News|0 Comments

Employer Policies Requiring Vaccination

Now that vaccines are approved and in the pipeline it is time for employers to decide whether they will be required for all or certain workplace employees. I hope that these December 16, 2020 EEOC Guidelines will be more consistent than previous CDC and other workplace COVID-19 guidelines. So far, corporations continue to face potential liability relating to their safety policies/practice. Now they have [...]

By |2020-12-28T11:49:53-06:00December 28th, 2020|Regulations, Compliance, News, Privacy|0 Comments
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