
LegalWeek 2022 eDJ Briefings – Take 1

For some of the new readers, eDJ Briefings are a chance to catch up with the latest from providers kind enough to sit down with me and talk candidly. At Legal Week I no longer do formal presentations or demos. Instead I ask execs to give me the top three points they would like to convey to you and the market. We sometimes get [...]

LegalWeek NY 2022 In the Bag

First and foremost, congratulations to ALM for managing to adapt, overcome and delivering the first real in-person legal technology industry conference since the pandemic hit. The sheer relief emanating from attendees was palpable. eDiscovery needed this glimpse of normalcy. Even delaying LegalWeek from February to March was a calculated risk. Mayor Adams did not announce the lift of mask and ‘Key to NYC’ requirements [...]

By |2022-03-15T12:20:30-05:00March 14th, 2022|United States, Essay, Market|0 Comments

I am a Nightmare on a Jury

A very young criminalist documenting a large seizure of cocaine 1990 Jury duty started bright and early at 8am. We all crowded in and waited as pools were selected and sent off to courts. I was prospective juror number 24 out of 54 (all that could be seated in the courtroom). I do not mind participating in our system of justice, but [...]

By |2022-03-07T15:17:34-06:00March 7th, 2022|Essay|0 Comments

What Part of No Did You Not Get?

Back in 2008 Barry Murphy and myself were more than happy to host border ads on the original Why not? In the decade that followed I came to understand the insidious nature of sponsors and the pressure that marketing budgets can apply. They provide revenue and expect/demand influence in exchange. The recent wave of social media/marketing platform bans on Russian state media campaigns [...]

By |2022-03-01T12:07:54-06:00March 1st, 2022|Essay|0 Comments

Ready for LegalWeek NY 2022?

The Omicron @LegalWeek push back and my diving vacation killed my packed February briefing schedule. Fourteen days out I responded to a fresh batch of briefing/speaking requests and pinged some of my favorite folks to see if I could piece it back togeth er. Grateful that less that 24 hours later my show calendar is filling up. I hope that your time in NY [...]

By |2022-02-23T12:56:24-06:00February 23rd, 2022|Caselaw, Essay, Regulations, Compliance, Privacy|0 Comments

Remember Flight Time Productivity Flow?

After a crazy week juggling too many deliverables and deadlines, I settled into our outbound vacation flight and resumed reading my latest homework, Keeping Found Things Found by William Jones. It is so  dense that I have had to consume it in small bites with lots of time to digest Jones’ thoughts on Personal Information Management. The landing announcement broke me out of an [...]

By |2022-02-21T17:51:14-06:00February 21st, 2022|Info Gov, Essay, Content Management|0 Comments

Will We Use Our A.I. Superpowers for Good?

“ALPHA10X Emerges from Stealth With $9.4 Million In Seed Funding and Expands Leadership Team to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Life Sciences Investment” caught my attention. I am always interested in new applications of #ArtificialIntelligence and mistakenly thought that this startup applied analytics to medical research or patient outcomes. We are still in a pandemic with a broken healthcare system and overloaded medical professionals. Imagine [...]

By |2022-02-02T19:03:37-06:00February 2nd, 2022|Platform, Analytics, Essay, Tech|1 Comment

Differentiating ESI vs. Knowledge

Most of my eDiscovery career has revolved around architecting systems and processes required to extract ESI relevant to high risk-value incidents. In my first forensic-discovery decade I mostly did the extraction, review and testing for prosecutors or counsel. Their job was to interpret my evidence to understand the incident and make judgments on that knowledge. Keeping Found Things Found by William Jones has me [...]

By |2022-01-23T15:49:59-06:00January 23rd, 2022|Essay|0 Comments

Is Technostress Killing Your Productivity?

Stress is a fact of life in our adversarial legal system. Technostress is the ‘negative psychological link between people and the introduction of new technologies’. Now that many or most digital professionals semi-permanently work from home (WFH) the potential for the four technostress horsemen of the coronapocalypse are increasingly impacting our lives. Let’s meet the primary digital stressors in preliminary academic impact priority that [...]

By |2022-01-21T17:02:20-06:00January 21st, 2022|Essay, Management|0 Comments

Veritas Compliance Winter Release Announcement Webinar

I hope that you join Dave Scott and myself for the Veritas Compliance Portfolio Winter Announcement webinar this Wednesday January 19th at 10am CST. Join us to hear about all the new capabilities of Veritas (formerly Symantec) Digital Compliance portfolio. Dave will cover all the new data sources and features from Enterprise Vault, eDiscovery Platform and more. I have been invited to discuss the [...]

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