Greg Buckles

Greg Buckles

About Greg Buckles

Independent consultant focused on eDiscovery and IG solutions.

LegalWeek 2025 Sponsor-Exhibitor Metrics

Legal technology seems to be riding the AI wave with exhibitors old and new investing in booths. My annual sponsor/exhibitor charts and the published Legal Week metrics reflect this uplift in technology and service providers eager to show off their AI-enhanced offerings. Not too long ago I was predicting a slow decline in conference attendance and exhibitors based on the steady consolidation and acquisition [...]

By |2025-03-17T14:53:39-05:00March 17th, 2025|Essay|0 Comments

LegalWeek 2025 Social Perspective

After around 30 years of LTNY (LegalWeek now), pre-conference activities and social events can tell you a lot about the industry and where companies are allocating their event budgets. Thanks to Stephanie Clerkin and Maria Victoria Yuste for building the social event list this year (I thought that Stephanie Wilkins also did this, but LI search is terrible). Almost all the networking events are [...]

By |2025-03-13T17:05:28-05:00March 13th, 2025|Essay|0 Comments

New Purview eDiscovery Hub is Live!

The new Purview eDiscovery Hub UX has exited the 'preview' stage and is theoretically ready for actual use. The classic eDiscovery UX will be EoL in August 2025, so you have 5 months to adapt your workflows and test the new UX. Since November I and clients have been testing the new hub (when time allows). That testing has given me a much deeper [...]

By |2025-03-12T16:49:10-05:00March 12th, 2025|Essay|0 Comments

AI Review Inside Your Firewall

Sooner or later someone was going to figure out how to conduct mature, AI-driven legal review without throwing the data 'over the M365 firewall'. Altorney's deep M365 and eDiscovery expertise seems to have enabled them to overcome the substantial obstacles to accomplish this feat. For regulated industries, government agencies and other customers with high security requirements, MARC may be the solution they have been [...]

By |2025-03-11T17:53:38-05:00March 11th, 2025|Analytics, News|0 Comments

Exterro Takes Remote Mobile Collections Off the Leash

In March-April Exterro customers will be able to collect common mobile device content over wireless corporate networks without phone apps or agents. This new offering leverages the Exterro platform, FTK Suite(acquired 2020) and an agent installed on legal team workstation. The custodian grants one-time trust permission for collection access and the incremental collections are made without disrupting users while they are connected to [...]

By |2025-02-18T09:25:17-06:00February 18th, 2025|Essay, Collectors, Collection, ESI Sources|0 Comments

Swimming Upstream: Corporate Ownership of Compliance and Discovery

Annual survey and interview cycles take on a life of their own. The year over year insights into the perspectives and concerns of corporate GC help us understand where the market and our own careers are headed. My thanks to Ari Kaplan for all the hard work and clean data. It helps to put 2024-2025 in perspective. The 2020 Pandemic Pause was an unprecedented [...]

By |2025-02-18T09:22:38-06:00February 18th, 2025|News|0 Comments

eDiscovery Assistant – Free Caselaw Report

Have you been buried managing matters and had little time to keep up with the avalanche of new eDiscovery caselaw? The wicked smart team at eDiscovery Assistant have assembled a 50-page report covering the key trends above. I forwarded many of these cases to my clients when they have potential impact to outdated policies or changing court expectations. One on-point sanction decision can convince [...]

By |2025-02-17T16:49:59-06:00February 17th, 2025|News|0 Comments

Microsoft Roadmap – January 2025 – Preview Means Wait For IT

264 in development – 71 Rolling out – 88 Launched New features were dominated by Copilot integrations and development support last month. Some minor Purview release date updates and adding Loop Workspaces to Teams channels are the only real eDiscovery related roadmap updates. I would like to call attention to the "(Preview)" label in the new Purview eDiscovery Hub UX. Users are already been [...]

By |2025-02-10T17:09:43-06:00February 10th, 2025|Essay|0 Comments

LegalWeek 2025 – See You in NY?

Another Legal Week year in NY with all my technology peers! So far, I am on a star-studded panel on Collaboration in Complex Litigation Tuesday at 3:30, so please come and enjoy some recent collaboration do's and don'ts from the trenches. Have a new product or offering to show me? Maybe just want to talk shop about Microsoft Purview and their new portal? [...]

By |2025-01-28T14:42:29-06:00January 28th, 2025|Essay|0 Comments

eDJ 2024 Retrospective – eDiscovery Same as it Ever Was

A young Houston Police Department CSI with a table of evidence, my how the years have flown My apologies for going dark over the holidays. My favorite client asked for an intervention, and I have been back in the trenches running Purview searches and meeting unmovable deadlines. You will benefit from a lot of anonymized lessons learned when I have caught up [...]

By |2025-01-23T16:57:18-06:00January 23rd, 2025|Essay|1 Comment
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