Historical Essays

Historical Essays2024-01-12T09:40:35-06:00

Historical eDJ Group essays from 2008-2018 have been migrated from the formal eDiscovery analyst site. Formatting, links and embedded images may be lost or corrupted in the migration. The legal technology market and practice has evolved rapidly and all historical content by eDJ analysts and guest authors were based on best knowledge when written and peer reviewed. This older content has been preserved for context and cannot be quoted or otherwise cited without written permission.

LegalTech NY Week Kicks Off

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-01-30 06:32:24  The LegalTech NY is gearing up for an excellent week of networking and education.  I already grabbed my lamb and rice dish from the street vendor around the corner and am ready for a full week of eDiscovery fun.My week kicked off with a great chat with Chris Dale before heading out to an impressive event [...]

Barry Murphy Of eDJ Group Wraps Up LTNY Day 1

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Barry Murphy. Published: 2012-01-30 21:55:14  The first day of LegalTech NY 2012 was a whirlwind, to say the least.  The day began very early with a breakfast kick-off meeting for the eDJ Peer Group.  It was great to hear actual eDiscovery professionals – those who are on the ground dealing with the day-to-day issues – talk about the topics they [...]

Re-Discover LTNY 2012 – Name that Booth

In case you could not make THE legal technology conference, LTNY 2012, I thought that I would bring the show to life for you. The eDJ Group’s day kicked off far too early with our eDJ Peer Group breakfast, but we had good attendance and great participation in the open discussion. The team then dove into analyst/press briefings on many (but not all) of the new product releases, which we will boil down for you in the days following the show. I decided to try to abandon my laptop and Moleskine notebook this time. I tried out every iPad note taking app I could pay for that promised to accurately recognize my sanscrit scrawl and render it into searchable text. Utter failure. For those of you from the early EDD days, remember the first generation of OCR programs and wince. That’s about how bad they are. To make it worse, I became obsessed with ditching the ever-present backpack or LTNY trash bag. So I actually shopped for an iPad ‘holster’ and bought an STM sleeve that promised to provide easy, safe storage without the ever present shoulder strap. However, my fashion faux-paux was quickly spotted by my kind team-mates who reminded me that I was wearing a geek man-purse.

IT’S A WRAP!!! LTNY 2012 is in the books.

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-02-01 19:54:19  Whew!!  I’m sitting down for the first time in hours…I have a glass of cabernet sitting in front of me next to a significant stack of business cards and marketing materials.  The whirlwind known as LegalTech NY is over and it’s time to decompress and absorb all of the information that I’ve taken in over the [...]

An Interview with The Honorable Andrew J. Peck – Part One

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Mikki Tomlinson. Published: 2012-02-02 18:04:13  The Honorable Andrew J. Peck, United States Magistrate Judge for the Southern District of New York, graciously allowed me to interview him after the LTNY Man vs. Machine:  The Promise/Challenge of Predictive Coding & Other Disruptive Technologies session in which he participated as a panelist.  Judge Peck shared the panel with industry luminaries Maura Grossman [...]

Walking the Lines of Transparency and Attorney-Client Privilege for ESI – An Interview with Sarah Jane Gillett, Partner at Hall Estill – Part Two

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Amber Scorah. Published: 2012-02-06 17:23:55  The line of transparency and privilege is a difficult one to walk.  In part two of this interview, we discuss more issues faced by outside counsel, including some insights into asserting attorney client privilege for electronically stored information, where the line of transparency lies, and how to ensure that reasonable steps were taken to prevent [...]

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