Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-01-30 06:32:24  The LegalTech NY is gearing up for an excellent week of networking and education.  I already grabbed my lamb and rice dish from the street vendor around the corner and am ready for a full week of eDiscovery fun.My week kicked off with a great chat with Chris Dale before heading out to an impressive event put on by Nuix and The Cowen Group (TCG) at Del Posto.  The Nuix/TCG dinner was one of the best organized LTNY events I’ve been to in awhile. They loaded us in the bus at the Hilton for a ride to the restaurant where we were served delicious wine and hors d’oeuvres.  There were many eDiscovery luminaries at the event (way too many to name and I don’t want to leave anyone out so I won’t try to list them) and there were some great discussions between cocktails and dinner.Nuix/TCG brought in Frank Moss, the former Director of the MIT Media Lab as well as CEO/Chairman of Tivoli, to speak about the Media Lab’s innovations and unique approach.  Mr. Moss is an excellent speaker and showed the crowd some of the inventions ranging from robots to mechanical feet for amputees.  For those that aren’t aware of the MIT Media Lab, you should learn more about it and the work they are doing.  These are truly revolutionary innovations that can change the way we live.  I plan on tracking them more.David Cowen then led a very interesting conversation about what big ideas/goals we should have as an industry.  There is more I want to cover on this particular discussion, but it’s late and we have a very busy day tomorrow starting with the eDJ Peer Group breakfast early in the morning as well as our happy hour in the evening.The eDJ Team will be covering different aspects of LTNY and will be putting up short posts throughout the week for our readers unable to attend the show.  We will put together a comprehensive report on the show at the end of the week.Thank you to Nuix and TCG for the invite to your dinner.  It would be great to have some of the attendees at the dinner comment on this post to provide their feedback as well.

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