Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-02-01 19:54:19  Whew!!  I’m sitting down for the first time in hours…I have a glass of cabernet sitting in front of me next to a significant stack of business cards and marketing materials.  The whirlwind known as LegalTech NY is over and it’s time to decompress and absorb all of the information that I’ve taken in over the past 72 hours.  I tried to get a post out last night (Tuesday), but someone forgot to wash their hands and I caught something that wiped me out for most of night (I think next year, I’m going to wear a surgical mask and rubber gloves or bring a case of Purell).  The sad thing is that I missed some great Tuesday evening events, but our readers can fill in the gap in the comments section.Let’s first talk about the show itself.  It seemed like attendance was up, and people felt pretty positive about the industry.  There weren’t as many people asking me about  jobs in the industry as there have been the past few years (which I think is a positive indicator).  I personally did not hear negative feedback about the show or programs, so congratulations to Henry and the ALM team for pulling off another great annual event.  I would be interested in hearing people’s feedback on the show, so please comment below.Our eDJ Group Happy Hour event was a success.  We had over 200 people visit us at the Warwick right after the close of the LTNY show on Monday afternoon.  We appreciate everyone that came out and had a drink with us.

Mixing and Mingling at the eDJ Group Happy Hour

eDJ Group Happy Hour - The perfect aftershow venue

 Afterwards I headed out to the Transperfect party at Johnny Utah’s on 51st street.  I ran into many old friends from my New York City days and had some wonderful appetizers (and one drink…honestly!!).  I didn’t see anyone riding the bull, but it brought back some fond memories of my good friend, Johnny Q’s bachelor party (check out this video).  Thank you to Dave Angarola for the invite to this fun party.

Everyone having a great time at the Transperfect Party

          No LTNY week is complete without the annual bDiscovery party which was held at Arena on West 41st hosted by Dan Regard (who started the bDiscovery parties in DC) and Julie Brecher (who runs the NYC bDiscovery).  Everyone was drinking, dancing and having a wonderful time.  I really enjoy this event every year because it seems to be the place where everyone lets it loose and has a great time.  There are few stories I could tell, but they are not fit for print…all I have to say is “Nerd Sandwich”…I’ll leave the rest to everyone’s imagination.

I think I see Steve Rapp in there...he's not part of the nerd sandwich Mrs. Rapp.

          LTNY is not all fun and games though.  We did over a dozen briefings from an array of clients and networked with a ton of people.  The eDJ team will provide more in coming days on some of the more eDiscovery related trends and stories that emerged from our week in NYC.My wine glass is empty and my flight back to Austin is about to board.  Please feel free to post your LTNY stories and anecdotes…we would love to hear back from our readers on their experiences.

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