
Dodd-Frank: Information Governance And eDiscovery Next Steps

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2013-06-02 21:11:36. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

This eDJ Research Report provides:

• An overview of the Dodd-Frank Act, regulatory changes and how they apply to non-financial corporations
• An analysis of how the majority of US organizations, financial and nonfinancial, will be impacted.
• A summary of key regulations requiring increased and optimized information governance processes and
• Pragmatic recommendations for technology investments and policy/procedure initiatives.

Summary link

Full […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Dodd-Frank: Information Governance And eDiscovery Next Steps

A Starting Point For Mobile Device Discovery

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2013-04-25 08:38:27. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

This eDiscoverJournal research brief explores eDJ’s survey results and market research into the current impact of mobile devices on civil corporate discovery. The brief is aimed at eDiscovery professionals seeking to understand the new challenges posed by these unique data sources and the general approaches for handling this new content.

Summary link

Full Report link

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on A Starting Point For Mobile Device Discovery

Bring Legal Holds To Life

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Mikki Tomlinson on 2013-04-02 08:36:08. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

“Legal hold” is the term used to describe a litigant’s common law duty to preserve information and things that may be relevant to litigation or reasonably anticipated litigation. The Legal Hold obligation has been in existence
for decades, but the landmark 2003 decision in Zubulake vs. UBS Warburg has brought the topic into the limelight of litigation issues.

The Zubulake case drew attention to the […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Bring Legal Holds To Life

Ten Components Of An Effective Vendor Selection Process

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Mikki Tomlinson on 2013-03-25 15:52:56. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Preferred vendor programs are not just for large corporations and multi-national law firms. Such programs are standard operating procedures for companies of all sizes as an effective method for lowering eDiscovery costs
while raising quality levels. In many highly regulated industries such as government and financial services, there is a high degree of scrutiny
surrounding software and service procurement for litigation teams. Such scrutiny […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Ten Components Of An Effective Vendor Selection Process

The eDJ Group Report: 2013 Trend Predictions

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Barry Murphy on 2012-12-09 14:52:24. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

In 2013, expect to see the eDiscovery market at a crossroads. eDiscovery is no longer in its infancy, but it is not yet mature either. That will not stop those that look ahead to aggressive information governance (IG) projects as the solution to corporate eDiscovery problems. Rather, 2013 will see eDiscovery as an awkward, gangly teenager – starting to find […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on The eDJ Group Report: 2013 Trend Predictions

How One Enterprise Dipped A Toe Into Predictive Coding

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Mikki Tomlinson on 2012-12-05 17:08:09. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

The cost of eDiscovery and document review specifically, has encouraged many corporations and law firms to begin working with Technology Assisted Review (“TAR”) solutions. The corporations are interested in leveraging recent analytical improvements to review applications, their law firms are sensitive to higher expectations regarding legal process efficiencies, and legal service providers are striving to provide the brightest reviewers and best-of-breed applications.

One such […]

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