
Exchange 2010 eDiscovery Assessment

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2012-09-07 11:25:56. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Microsoft is promoting Exchange 2010 as an archiving and eDiscovery solution. eDiscoveryJournal ran it through a simple eDiscovery scenario and documented all of the testing process, results and our assessments. Unlike many reports, this one gives you 89 pages of step by step instructions and screenshots of our testing process. If you are upgrading or migrating to Exchange 2010, you need to see […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Exchange 2010 eDiscovery Assessment

The Importance Of Storage In eDiscovery

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Barry Murphy on 2012-09-07 11:20:27. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

Storage plays a critical role in ensuring fast and accurate processing of potentially huge volumes of electronically stored information (ESI), building a scalable eDiscovery infrastructure that supports diverse file types and sizes, and providing a foundation for managing the chain-of-custody of ESI within the eDiscovery process. This document explores the role of storage in eDiscovery and gives IT, legal, and litigation support professionals […]

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The eDJ: Early Case Assessment (ECA) Comes Into Focus In 2011

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Barry Murphy on 2012-09-07 11:17:21. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

The term Early Case Assessment (ECA) means different things to different people. As a result, there is confusion and consternation around the term that stems from the fact that anyone can and everyone will claim to offer ECA functionality – archiving vendors, review vendors, search and collection vendors, legal hold vendors, and even ECA specialist vendors. The reality is that all providers can […]

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Enterprise Search for Discovery

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2012-09-07 11:12:39. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

This report defines and differentiates the technologies, architectures and discovery search approaches for enterprise or corporate ESI in the wild. Corporations have implemented enterprise content management (ECM), archives, collection/preservation appliances, forensic imaging and other single purpose tools to address their eDiscovery needs. Search is the common functional component across these solutions, but each solution has a different capabilities, advantages and costs. This leaves […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Enterprise Search for Discovery

Managing eDiscovery As a Repeatable Business Process

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Mikki Tomlinson on 2012-09-07 11:05:21. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

As eDiscovery gains a higher profile in the mainstream news and on the corporate radar, there is a strong desire on the part of corporate executives to reduce both costs and risk. We at eDiscovery Journal believe that the way to accomplish both goals without sacrificing legal defensibility is to approach eDiscovery as a manageable, repeatable business process. This report will examine the […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Managing eDiscovery As a Repeatable Business Process

Legal Holds for Enterprise Archives

This historical eDJ Group analyst research report was published by Greg Buckles on 2012-09-07 11:01:55. Content and opinions within were based on best available knowledge. The Legal Technology market and best practices have rapidly evolved. Historical content is copyrighted and cannot be quoted or cited without written permission. The migrated description and links may have formatting and path issues. Contact with any questions.

This research paper explores the process of creating and documenting a legal hold initiative on an enterprise archive or content management system. Placement of defensible legal holds is essential before expiring the vast quanties of non-record content that are pouring into your digital landfill. This report explores potential strategies, issues, best practices and documentation templates.

Summary link

Full Report […]

By |January 12th, 2024|Categories: Research|Comments Off on Legal Holds for Enterprise Archives
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