Historical Essays

Historical Essays2024-01-12T09:40:35-06:00

Historical eDJ Group essays from 2008-2018 have been migrated from the formal eDiscovery analyst site. Formatting, links and embedded images may be lost or corrupted in the migration. The legal technology market and practice has evolved rapidly and all historical content by eDJ analysts and guest authors were based on best knowledge when written and peer reviewed. This older content has been preserved for context and cannot be quoted or otherwise cited without written permission.

eDJ Group eDiscovery Certification Survey and Information Governance Webinar

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-06-18 14:54:50  The eDJ Group recently launched the survey on eDiscovery education and certification.  We are getting some excellent feedback from the field and hope to continue that trend.  You should definitely take this survey if: You have completed or are in the process of taking an eDiscovery training course You are  hiring eDiscovery professionals in the next [...]

Is Practical Cell Phone Preservation Within Reach?

When headlines, press briefings and client requests on the same topic all hit at once, you have to pay attention. I recently wrote Mobile Discovery – Are You Ready For It? in reaction to a story about how Michigan and three other states may be capturing cell phone images during traffic stops. Then a sharp client asked for a market perspective on mobile preservation obligations in the wake of the BP criminal charges. The final straw was a briefing request from Cellebrite’s CEO James Grady on the release of their new UFED Touch product line. That was enough motivation to steal the time for a fast briefing. The primary goal was to determine how easily a corporation could acquire, train and integrate a mobile extraction device into their legal hold process. Mr. Grady indicated that although government and security customers still dominate their sales revenue, corporate eDiscovery sales took off last year and is one of the fastest growing market segments. Every corporate decision maker is effectively chained to their iPhone, Blackberry or Android smart phone. Moreover, iPads have become the executive toy-du-jour for meetings and travel with apps that allow them to edit presentations, email and MS Office documents (all discovery request targets). So what does it take to preserve and process cell phones?

Technology Assisted Review – “Seed Set” vs. Complex Queries

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Kevin L. Nichols. Published: 2012-06-20 09:00:36  By: Kevin L. NicholsEarlier this year, I wrote an article on the Executive Counsel Institute in San Francisco and mentioned some key takeaways, including best practices and vendors that excelled in various phases of the EDRM. Surprisingly, I was contacted by one of the vendors referenced in the predictive coding section of the piece [...]

Law Firms Not Meeting General Counsels’ eDiscovery Expectations?

One of the great things about managing a syndication feed is that we get to see virtually everything written about eDiscovery on a daily basis. Granted, only about 5% of what comes through is truly newsworthy, but the constant reminder of what is happening is very valuable. For example, I came across a blog by Christopher Spizzirri that presented some data I otherwise would likely not have become aware of – that 75% of General Counsel rank outside counsel not providing adequate support for eDiscovery requirements as a top frustration of the past year. And, 63% of GCs rank the same issue as a top concern for the next year.

In Memoriam of Jeff Isenberg

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-06-26 10:45:21  Yesterday we lost a good friend and mentor to the litigation technology community, Jeff Isenberg.I met Jeff about ten years ago when he did an onsite inspection at our facility in Austin, TX when he was still at Milbank.  I think we spoke more about music and food than we did about eDiscovery for the next [...]

Mobile Devices– The Next eDiscovery Wave?

My recent piece on Mobile Discovery – Are You Ready For It? seemed to hit a nerve with eDiscovery providers and practitioners alike. It generated a wave of article requests, product briefings, analyst inquiries and even hands on training and kit offers from market leaders. The volume of the response tells me that ready or not, it is time for civil eDiscovery to accept the fact that mobile devices are a real source of ESI. So I am reprioritizing my research schedule to survey mobile device solutions and best practices from the corporate and firm civil discovery perspective. The first step is a fast six question survey launched today on mobile device discovery. Please take a minute and see how you compare to others. The next step is a look at the history of mobile device forensics to understand where the wide array of current offerings come from.

Email Greg Buckles with questions, comments or to set up a short Good Karma call.

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Essays, comments and content of this site are purely personal perspectives, even when posted by industry experts, lawyers, consultants and other professionals. Greg Buckles and moderators do their best to weed out or point out fallacies, outdated tech, not-so-best practices and such. Do your own diligence or engage a professional to assess your unique situation.

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