Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: . Published: 2012-06-18 14:54:50  The eDJ Group recently launched the survey on eDiscovery education and certification.  We are getting some excellent feedback from the field and hope to continue that trend.  You should definitely take this survey if:

  • You have completed or are in the process of taking an eDiscovery training course
  • You are  hiring eDiscovery professionals in the next 12 months
  • You believe the eDiscovery industry needs certification standards
  • You believe eDiscovery needs more attentions at law schools.

We are getting some excellent feedback from the field and I think this information will truly have an impact on the direction of eDiscovery training and certification in the coming years.   Please take a few minutes to give your voice to this important area of research.  Plus you’ll have a chance to win a $250 gift card just for giving your feedback.  Click here to take the survey right now!!Also, please join Barry Murphy tomorrow (Tuesday, June 19) for the free InnoxCell webinar, The Social Media Governance Imperative. This information and thought-provoking webinar will cover:

  • The current state of social media and eDiscovery
  • How to manage risks associated with individual and corporate social media use
  • Methods for collecting and preserving social media
  • Creating effective social media policies
  • And much, much more!!!

Click here to register for this free webinar!!eDiscoveryJournal Contributor – Jason Velasco

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