Got a late start this year scheduling briefings, so I may actually get to attend some of the excellent sessions on offer. Regular readers know that I am focused on corporate eDiscovery and compliance ecosystems. Here are some interesting sessions with why I think that they are worth attending.


Transform Your Review with Relativity aiR

1:00 PM-1:45 PM

Relativity aiR for Review uses the power of generative AI to provide faster, higher quality document review. But what does that look like in practice? In this session, we’ll walk you through how to use aiR for Review, step by step, and provide you with tips, tricks, and best practices so you can use this new technology with confidence and deliver results, fast.

This session will also run on Thursday, September 26 at 1:00 – 1:45 p.m.

eDJ: Maks Babuder is always a good speaker. Relativity aiR for Review as been available for some time now. This is a good opportunity to hear about some practical guidance now that customers have run it through different review scenarios.

Unlocking the Power of Metrics: Transforming e-Discovery for Legal Excellence

1:00 PM-1:45 PM

Discover how metrics revolutionize e-discovery in the legal field, driving cost efficiency, ensuring compliance, enhancing quality, and providing a strategic edge in today’s data-driven world. In this session, leading experts will delve into the transformative power of metrics, sharing insights on identifying inefficiencies, optimizing workflows, and leveraging technology. They will discuss real-world examples and case studies, demonstrating how data-driven decision-making enhances client trust and transparency while effectively managing the growing volumes of digital information. Join us to explore the future of e-discovery through the lens of industry experts and learn how to harness the full potential of metrics for superior legal outcomes.

eDJ: Florinda Baldridge of Norton Rose Fulbright leads one of the more sophisticated Am Law 200 discovery departments. She has been on the cutting edge of new legal technology for decades. I spend a lot of time with new clients defining their key eDiscovery metrics and how they can be leveraged in legal ops.  

The Past, Present, and Future of Mobile Data Collection and Review with Cellebrite and Relativity

2:15 PM-3:00 PM

The widespread use of mobile applications for communication and collaboration has significantly increased the inclusion of mobile device collections in litigation discovery requests. Traditionally, collecting mobile devices has been costly and time-intensive, particularly in today’s environment where remote work and geographically dispersed teams are common. In this session, we will discuss how Relativity and Cellebrite have collaborated to offer a solution that efficiently meets your mobile device collection requirements. Discover how you can reduce collection costs and streamline data review timelines.

eDJ: I have an active client project to address mobile content selective preservation and collection. Just happy that the technology options are starting to catch up.

The International Panel

An annual Relativity Fest tradition, the International Panel brings together legal perspectives from around the world for analysis of global legal and technology issues. For 2024, Australia, Germany, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States are represented, and we’ll examine topics such as how different jurisdictions are addressing the law of artificial intelligence, including the EU AI Act, the pan-African approach, and the findings of the NYSBA Task Force on Artificial Intelligence. We’ll also take our customary tour of court decisions and legal developments around the world and examine how different nations are approaching legal and technology issues differently.

eDJ: David Horrigan has gathered a cast of all-star international speakers. I really enjoyed Linda Sheehan’s investigation perspectives last year. Always great content.

Start Harnessing Your AI Advantage with Generative AI in RelativityOne

2:15 PM-3:00 PM

Generative AI is rapidly changing how we think about document review in e-discovery and unlocking tremendous value. Join us to learn when to use Relativity aiR’s generative AI capabilities — from uncovering earlier and deeper document insights, to analyzing opposing party productions, to automating first-pass review and reviewing for privilege. We’ll dive into a diverse set of use cases and workflows so you can understand when to leverage this technology, learn how to see immediate impact, and begin to transform your review in the era of AI.

This session will also run on Thursday, September 26 at 2:15 – 3:00 p.m.

eDJ: The focus on new ways to leverage generative AI looks interesting. Taking review beyond relevance determination.

The Future Is Now for In-House Teams: Harnessing Generative AI in the Workplace

3:30 PM-4:15 PM

In-house teams have long been challenged to “do more with less.” The prospect of generative AI has presented an appealing way to speed up manual and administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time. However, despite its allure, many teams are struggling to find their first step towards fully integrating generative AI into their workflows. Join us as we explore the various applications of generative AI for in-house teams and learn how you can build a compelling business case for stakeholder approval to embark on your own generative AI journey. Hear from experienced, in-house leaders as they share their journeys navigating the many types of generative AI and implementing it into their processes to enhance collaboration and productivity.

eDJ: I am always interested in the perspectives and war stories from speakers leading large enterprise discovery teams.


e-Discovery State of the Union

10:45 AM-11:45 AM

An annual Relativity Fest tradition, the e-Discovery State of the Union is your opportunity to hear from prominent journalists, lawyers, technologists, and association leaders on the latest issues in the world of e-discovery and related legal fields. In a friendly competition, you’ll hear the experts’ perspectives on the latest e-discovery news, case law (including bad behavior in e-discovery), legislative developments, research data, and issues affecting the law on topics ranging from artificial intelligence to the law of emojis to the legal ethics of discovery evidence. Join us for this educational, interactive, and occasionally entertaining program, where—instead of lawyers and the media asking the questions—you can ask questions of them.

eDJ: While I am not on the panel this year, I will definitely enjoy David Horrigan’s hot topics and the artful responses from the crew. Not to be missed.

Intro to eDiscovery Assistant for Relativity Fest Scholars

10:45 AM-11:30 AM

This required session is for Relativity Scholars. Mentors and others may attend if space is available. Kelly Twigger will introduce and explain how and why eDiscovery Assistant can help you with research and case knowledge.

eDJ: Putting this in the same time slot as the e-Discovery State of the Union session is a crime. My friend Kelly Twigger’s eDiscovery Assistant tool is a must for tracking and understanding eDiscovery case law. I recently used it to find recent sanctions when a client stakeholder demanded ‘Why do we have to do this!’.

Exploring EDRM Innovations: Project Team Showcases & Open Calls for Contributors

1:00 PM-1:45 PM

We invite you to join EDRM for a dynamic and engaging discussion during Relativity Fest. This panel is designed to highlight the pioneering work being done by various EDRM project teams.The panel will offer an exclusive look into the latest advancements and accomplishments in eDiscovery, AI, information governance and more. Leaders from EDRM project teams will present their recent work, diving into their processes, methodologies, challenges faced, and their innovative solutions.But this isn’t just a showcase – it’s also an invitation. Each presenter will also make an open call for new contributors to their project, should they need new contributors- providing a unique opportunity for attendees to get involved in cutting-edge EDRM work. Prospective contributors will gain insights into the specific needs and collaboration opportunities within each project, offering a direct route to meaningful participation in the EDRM community.This is an exceptional chance to hear from the innovators shaping the future of eDiscovery and beyond, understand the current landscape of eDiscovery, and potentially find a project that aligns with your own professional interests and aspirations. Whether you’re an industry veteran, a novice eager to contribute, or someone interested in the intersection of law and technology, this discussion is sure to inspire and motivate.Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this vital conversation, helping shape the future of eDiscovery and beyond. Join us, explore the ongoing projects, and you may just find the perfect opportunity to further engage with the Global EDRM Project Community.*Created with assistance from GenAI*

eDJ: The EDRM projects have produced great content and the community has flourished under the guidance of Mary Mack and Kaylee Walstad. So come hear about the latest projects, propose your own and get involved.

Your Investigation Toolbelt: Analytics, Sentiment and Communication Analysis, Search, and More

3:30 PM-4:15 PM

Join Relativity’s experts to discover how you can revolutionize the investigative experience with RelativityOne. Explore the diverse range of investigative tools, including aiR for Review, designed to support various types of investigations. Hear firsthand from Relativity’s experts and customers about the practical application of these capabilities in real-world investigations.

eDJ: Leveraging technology upstream in the investigation phase is the key to early matter resolution and minimizing the impact of selective preservation/collections.


The 11th Annual Judicial Panel: Politics, Free Speech, and the Judiciary

9:00 AM-10:00 AM

2024 is an election year in the United States, and the United Kingdom had landmark elections on July 4. Rarely has the influence of politics affected the judiciary more than it has today. ABA Model Rule of Judicial Conduct 2.4 provides, “A judge shall not be swayed by public clamor of fear of criticism.” But is that even possible in today’s polarized and often toxic political climate? In this political climate, an assassination attempt on a former president has affected the nation, while US Marshals Service data indicate serious threats against federal judges doubled in Fiscal Year 2023 to a total of 457. Are these threats the result of toxic politics and free speech becoming reckless rhetoric? Are laws, procedural rules, and legal ethics mandates enough to protect judges and allow them to do their jobs? Does our Brave New World of artificial intelligence help the situation? These challenges are not limited to the United States. A longtime member of the Relativity Fest Judicial Panel — the United Kingdom’s first transgender judge — has received political backlash, including threats. Join us on the final day of Relativity Fest for what may be the most important Relativity Fest Judicial Panel ever.

eDJ: Another annual ‘do not miss’ panel of judicial luminaries. With our judicial system under assault and losing public confidence, this is a great opportunity to hear directly from the bench.

Scaling the Cliffs of AI Insanity: Managing Data Created by Generative AI

Generative AI is reshaping our everyday experiences by enhancing efficiency, lowering expenses, and conserving time. But, despite driving productivity across the board, the data produced by generative AI has created a new and complex fire swamp for legal professionals, leading to frightening encounters with Data of Unusual Sources. It won’t be long before the courts determine how this data should be addressed in ESI protocols. In-house teams that haven’t already thought about integrating this emerging data source into their defensible disposition and preservation practices need to prepare. While it might feel inconceivable, in this session, we will simplify the intricacies of managing the data created by generative AI and outline methods for handling it adeptly. From learning how to detect the data generative AI models produce to building best practices and leveraging technology to organize it, our panel of industry leaders will help you identify strategies for navigating this new landscape.

Futurescape: Brainstorming the Future

11:30 AM-12:15 PM

Dive into a session of collaborative foresight where we’ll pitch bold ideas for the future of extensibility and invite you to share ideas of your own. This is your platform to share visionary concepts and shape our collective path forward. Bring your innovative sparks—together, we will nurture them into significant opportunity and transformative potential. Let’s explore our next big leap in this journey of growth and innovation!

eDJ: Ever say, “I wish Relativity just did X.” Well this is a chance to hear whether that is already on the potential roadmap or propose it.

If you made it all the way to the bottom of this list and would like to talk shop at the conference, grab a time slot while they are available here:

Greg Buckles wants your feedback, questions or project inquiries at Book a free 15 minute ‘Good Karma’ call if he has availability. He solves problems and creates eDiscovery solutions for enterprise and law firm clients.

Greg’s blog perspectives are personal opinions and should not be interpreted as a professional judgment or advice. Greg is no longer an investigative journalist and all perspectives are based on best public information. Blog content is neither approved nor reviewed by any providers prior to being published. Do you want to share your own perspective? Greg is looking for practical, professional informative perspectives free of marketing fluff, hidden agendas or personal/product bias. Outside blogs will clearly indicate the author, company and any relevant affiliations. 

Greg’s latest nature, art and diving photographs on Instagram.

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