
Credible Market Research? Buyer Beware

Stephen E. Arnold’s latest blog on flaky enterprise search reports resonated with my own frustration at the steady stream of eDiscovery market reports press releases showing up in my daily search feeds. I have followed Arnold’s blog for years because of his deep understanding of the enterprise search market. He bluntly calls out the lack of attribution or substance in the reports hidden behind the paywall. I ran down one of the recent eDiscovery Market Forecast 2020-2025 reports blasted out by something called Aeresearch, ‘Powered by Market Study Report, LLC.’ Sounds like another Gartner/Forrester wanna-be, right? Not hardly.

By |2020-07-03T12:12:58-05:00June 15th, 2020|United States, Essay, Asia Pacific, Tech, Market|0 Comments

“Effectively eliminate any need for manual review” – REALLY?

If you are anything like me, you get 10-100 emails per day with eDiscovery press announcements, marketing blasts, webinars and more. Back in 2008 I built a Google CSE to manage the firehose of information and make sure that I kept up with the market. The original used that search engine to create a feed that we culled, curated, classified and commented on. [...]

A Corporate Perspective on Relativity Analytics Usage Cases

I rode along with a full day Relativity analytics training session yesterday. No. It was not billable, but I will be working with that client to develop their workflows and protocols to leverage the analytics in their discovery requests. I consider it a good investment of my time in this time. Besides, I love an excuse to get hands on with tech. Overall, I [...]

Managing Corporate eDiscovery During a Pandemic

Since March, most corporate counsel and discovery response teams have been working remotely. The global pandemic may have paused or slowed many civil courts, regulators and auditors, but not all. Many of my long term corporate clients issued work stoppage orders to control costs and gather information on the potential impact of the pandemic. It is now clear that social distancing and travel restrictions [...]

How to Offend Your Hosts During An Interview

Back at LTNY in February I put the word out that I was going to relaunch  I pushed back briefings, webinars and interview requests with the “when it is live” excuse.  When Joe Bartolo and Bard Schaffel asked to interview me for their  EDRM podcast series, I ‘thought’ that surely I would have the new site live by then.  So most of you [...]

By |2019-05-14T09:47:54-05:00May 13th, 2019|Analytics, Essay, Privacy, Academic, Market|0 Comments
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