
The New eDiscovery Journal Needs Your Perspective

So why have I spent months developing yet another Word Press blog site?  The eDJGroupInc.com site was designed for commercial publication of our market analyst team’s research and perspective.  It did not allow the broader community to comment, post questions and participate other than our surveys.  The new eDiscovery Journal is meant to be an interactive hub for perspectives (essays), collaboration (comments) and research (surveys/case [...]

By |May 6th, 2019|Categories: Essay|0 Comments

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Essays, comments and content of this site are purely personal perspectives, even when posted by industry experts, lawyers, consultants and other professionals. Greg Buckles and moderators do their best to weed out or point out fallacies, outdated tech, not-so-best practices and such. Do your own diligence or engage a professional to assess your unique situation.

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