
eDiscovery Assistant’s Case of the Week Podcasts

During Relativity Fest eDiscovery Assistant launched a new Case of the Week podcast format. For peers who have been too buried in matters to keep up with new resources,  eDiscovery Assistant is the premier eDiscovery-specific research platform for finding and monitoring curated caselaw and other resources. The team is converting the 150+ historical Case of the Week blogs into podcasts with the key case [...]

By |2024-10-18T14:24:27-05:00October 18th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

eDJ Brief: ALTorney at Relativity Fest

In 2 short years, brothers Rachi and Shimmy Messing have changed the contract reviewer market with their ALTorney platform. This realization hit me while I was drafting an RFP for a global corporate managed service contract. I realized that I did not really care whether the provider had a stable of contract reviewers who spoke Bahasa or Portuguese because I knew that my client could [...]

By |2024-10-09T15:09:07-05:00October 9th, 2024|Provider, Essay, Services|0 Comments

Relativity Fest 2024 – eDJ Fast Takes

The 15th Relativity Fest was one of the most highly attended Relativity Fests to date with about 2,000 attendees. Sessions were packed with customers. They actually had to turn away attendees from the packed room at Horrigan’s State of the Union.  Market consolidation and other factors may have reduced the number of sponsors, but not the energy level. I managed to chat with [...]

Microsoft Roadmap: September 2024 – Classic Purview eDiscovery EoL EoY!

128 new updates were launched or rolling out in September! View my take on those with potential eDiscovery Impact and my comments at my Roadmap table. Per last month’s comments, the new Purview Portal Hub UI is the big news. I call EVERYONE’s attention to 415454 (second one below) that the Classic Purview portal will be retired END OF THE YEAR. The new [...]

By |2024-10-02T16:09:14-05:00October 2nd, 2024|Essay, Legal Holds, ESI Sources|2 Comments

Cellebrite Patents its Remote Mobile Collection Capabilities for Businesses

Reading the actual Patent (US 12,069,151 B2) provides a much clearer picture if you can wade through the rather obtuse patent legalese. It seems clear that this method applies to an enterprise server based patform rather than a SaaS service. They patent and Cellebrite’s handy ‘fact page’ carefully state that remote collection requires device owner notification and consent. I have encountered this same hesitation [...]

By |2024-09-24T15:34:56-05:00September 24th, 2024|Collectors, News|0 Comments

eDJ Picks: Relativity Fest 2024 Sessions

Got a late start this year scheduling briefings, so I may actually get to attend some of the excellent sessions on offer. Regular readers know that I am focused on corporate eDiscovery and compliance ecosystems. Here are some interesting sessions with why I think that they are worth attending. Wednesday Transform Your Review with Relativity aiR 1:00 PM-1:45 PM Relativity aiR for Review [...]

By |2024-09-06T14:12:11-05:00September 6th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Microsoft Roadmap: August 2024 – New Purview eDiscovery Portal

327 Updates - 202 in development - 34 rolling out - 83 launched The new Purview eDiscovery portal has rolled out to some tenants in preview mode. The Purview PM team briefed me on it back at LegalWeek and it finally arrived at my test tenant this week. They have definitely gone for a simplified workflow and ‘eliminated’ the Collection searches. Unfortunately, legal holds [...]

By |2024-09-03T17:58:11-05:00September 3rd, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources|1 Comment

RelativityFest 2024: Join Me in Chicago!

Despite the crazy project load, I will be at Relativity Fest next month and will have availability to meet with peers and brief with providers. After my disastrous LegalWeek experience with M365 Bookings, I have resurrected my Calendly account, so grab slots here: I am especially interested in talking with corporate/firm peers who are wrestling with M365 sources and integrating Purview eDiscovery [...]

By |2024-08-29T19:30:24-05:00August 29th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

eDJ Geek Guide: Teams as an eDiscovery Source

With more than 1 million organizations and 320 million monthly users, Teams chats, sites and channels are key eDiscovery targets for legal holds and collections. Despite extensive public documentation, blogs and articles it can be challenging to understand the different types of Teams channels, what they can store and where the ESI is routed.  The new Guide Guide on Teams as a source is [...]

By |2024-08-29T10:51:21-05:00August 29th, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources, Architecture|1 Comment

Augmented Wisdom – the DIKW eDiscovery Pyramid

Ted Theodoropoulos recently proclaimed, “Enterprise search is dead!” He seems to have been referencing the new AI search methodologies and tools that provide answers instead of just links. That got me brainstorming about how our traditional and new generational tools apply to the DIKW pyramid model of retrieval. My analytics mentor Skip Walter hammered the differences between data, information and knowledge into my hard [...]

By |2024-08-23T16:06:17-05:00August 23rd, 2024|Essay, Search|0 Comments
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