Historical Essays

Historical Essays2024-01-12T09:40:35-06:00

Historical eDJ Group essays from 2008-2018 have been migrated from the formal eDiscovery analyst site. Formatting, links and embedded images may be lost or corrupted in the migration. The legal technology market and practice has evolved rapidly and all historical content by eDJ analysts and guest authors were based on best knowledge when written and peer reviewed. This older content has been preserved for context and cannot be quoted or otherwise cited without written permission.

Social Media Collection And Preservation

There are some that believe social media is replacing email. In reality, it will take time for social media adoption to occur and for everyone to abandon email – lots of time perhaps. As companies transition and begin to leverage social media, there is the opportunity to avoid the mistakes made in the email generation. One thing is clear: companies that dive into social media without the right policies and solutions to govern usage will encounter information governance and eDiscovery nightmares down the road.

What is this Predictive Coding thing Anyway?

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Chuck Rothman. Published: 2012-03-14 08:00:27  Anyone who has read about e-Discovery in the past year has almost certainly come across the term “Predictive Coding” or one of its aliases. As exemplified by the number of seminars and vendor’s banners at Legal Tech in New York this past month, it’s definitely this year’s e-Discovery craze.However, like most technology trends, the term [...]

Technology-Assisted Review: What Should We Call This Market?

Thanks to all who attended our technology-assisted review (TAR) for eDiscovery webinar. There was a great turnout and our guests – Chuck Rothman of Wortzman Nickle and Thomas Gricks of Schnader, Harrison, Segal & Lewis – offered valuable insights on how to use TAR and get value from it. Chuck also contributed an article to eDiscoveryJournal this week on what predictive coding really is. Chuck’s article title points out the confusion in the market about what different terms actually mean.

The Cowen Group Leadership Breakfast – Atlanta – March 2012

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Harris. Published: 2012-03-16 09:00:05  The following article is based on notes taken during The Cowen Group’s Leadership Breakfast hosted in Atlanta on March 2, 2012.The guest list for the morning event included forty professionals with responsibilities ranging from Litigation Support staff and eDiscovery Technologists to Staff Attorneys and Partners in large law firms.   Some of the industries represented in [...]

Defining the eDiscovery Platform – Autodesk Interview

One of the bright points of designing the new eDJ Matrix has been our analyst sessions over what functionality is required for software and services to qualify for our market categories. It may sound geeky to you, but I have grumbled over ‘waves’ and ‘squares’ that were real apple-orange comparisons too many times. I want to get this right in our next big release. The ‘eDiscovery Platform’ was a prominent theme at LTNY 2012, but what do providers mean when they call their software a ‘platform’. They want to give buyers the impression that they cover the entire eDiscovery lifecycle, generally by showing the EDRM diagram covered by their software logo. As nice as that sounds, no one covers document creation through trial presentation in one program, NO ONE. But a more realistic corporate eDiscovery platform seems to be attainable. We spoke with the litigation and compliance team at Autodesk about their selection of Symantec’s Clearwell software.

Technology-Assisted Review: The Need for Market Definition and Where We Stand Today

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Mikki Tomlinson. Published: 2012-03-21 11:07:17  Buzz about new technologies always precedes adoption.  And one of the outcomes of  “technology buzz” is development of the market definition to its consumers.  The market message and definition of Predictive Coding or Technology Assisted Review  (“TAR”) is, without a doubt, still evolving and there is certainly a plethora of buzz.The simple fact that we, [...]

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