Historical Essays

Historical Essays2024-01-12T09:40:35-06:00

Historical eDJ Group essays from 2008-2018 have been migrated from the formal eDiscovery analyst site. Formatting, links and embedded images may be lost or corrupted in the migration. The legal technology market and practice has evolved rapidly and all historical content by eDJ analysts and guest authors were based on best knowledge when written and peer reviewed. This older content has been preserved for context and cannot be quoted or otherwise cited without written permission.

eDiscovery and Pricing is Not as Simple as You Think

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Sarah Hankins. Published: 2012-03-06 08:00:00  Throughout the evolution of eDiscovery in the marketplace, service providers have struggled to meet client expectations from a cost standpoint.  In order to accurately estimate the cost of a project in the absence of a flat fee model, service providers required a certain amount of information up front as discussed in Jason Velasco's pricing article [...]

Tech Take Aways in Judge Peck’s Da Silva Opinion

The value promise of ‘black box’ predictive coding or ‘Easy Button’ review gets marketing departments all excited. So excited that eDJ was inundated with copies of the hearing transcript and opinion of Da Silva Moore v. Publicis Groupe & MSL Group, No. 11 Civ. 1279 (ALC) (AJP) (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 24, 2012) along with their interpretations on how this changed the ground rules of eDiscovery. Marketing departments can spin a mountain out of a mole hill. In his final order, Judge Peck pushed back, “To correct the many blogs about this case, initiated by a press release from plaintiffs' vendor – the Court did not order the parties to use predictive coding. The parties had agreed to defendants' use of it, but had disputes over the scope and implementation, which the Court ruled on, thus accepting the use of computer-assisted review in this lawsuit.” Check out Mikki Tomlinson’s interviews with Judge Peck or Conor Crowley’s excellent legal summary for more practical interpretations. The arguments over how you know when your predictive training are ‘good enough’ are worth dissecting. eDJ has been researching the methods of technology assisted review, so I thought it worth extracting some of these key points. Remember that even the vendor experts in this case are representing their technology. Preliminary raw hearing transcripts rarely released to the public and I wonder if the parties are as happy as their vendors about all the publicity. This is a nice glimpse into the fray before the dust has settled on technology assisted review.

The Cowen Group Signature Dinner – Atlanta – March 2012

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Greg Harris. Published: 2012-03-08 09:00:02  The following article is based on notes taken during The Cowen Group’s Signature Dinner hosted in Atlanta on March 1, 2012.The guest list for the evening included sixteen professionals with responsibilities ranging from an eDiscovery technologist and an Enterprise Architect to a Vice President of Security Compliance and a College Professor.  Some of the industries [...]

Electronic Document Management-Electronic Content Management And eDiscovery

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Steve Markey. Published: 2012-03-12 09:00:47  The topic of assimilating one’s electronic content/document management (ECM/EDM) solution into the organization’s eDiscovery strategy came up the other day while working with one of my financial services clients, so I thought I would share some insight.  This topic came up while sitting down with IT, Compliance, and Operations to discuss implementing Microsoft’s SharePoint into [...]

Interview with Jeff Nadalo from TransCanada Pipeline – Predictive Coding and Why You Should Care About It

Migrated from eDJGroupInc.com. Author: Amber Scorah. Published: 2012-03-13 09:00:11  The paradigm of review is changing.  Predictive coding has made a huge impact in the e-discovery and document review world.  In this interview, I speak with Jeff Nadalo, Litigation Counsel at TransCanada Pipeline.  He helps cut through all the marketing jargon to give an understanding of the technical and realistic implications of predictive coding, and how it can [...]

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