
Separation of Employment: Risk Assessment Workflow

Session workflow or check list to review separation of employment policies and protocols from a discovery readiness perspective. This is not actual policies or protocols. Instead, it is an extended bullet list of separation scenarios to consider and decision elements that your policies/protocols should cover. Every work environment has unique data systems, business models, risks and corporate cultures that must be considered when developing [...]

PII in Your Discovery?

Epiq’s “Ruyk” ransomware attack in February cut off customer access to their hosted discovery matters for roughly three days. This outages constitutes a major service interruption and violation of normal Service Level Agreements for one of the largest global legal service providers. Beyond SLA penalties, missed production deadlines and unhappy customers, Epiq is now facing a potential class action suit under the new California [...]

By |2020-08-03T17:20:38-05:00August 3rd, 2020|Provider, News, Privacy, Security, ESI Sources|0 Comments

My Take on O365’s Insider Risk Management

The headline got me excited that this new MSFT O365 package might enable my clients to better monitor policy and data management compliance. The reality seems pretty weak. Agentless monitoring of desktop and MS Edge actions such as downloads, forwards to banned domains, etc. We have been able to see those in logs for years and to create custom log based alerts. The new [...]

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