As Congress Mulls COVID-19 Liability Shield, What Does the Data Show?
…“No matter what data set you’re using, there are very, very few lawsuits filed compared to how many infections and deaths have been reported,” she said…
…43% of the 238 lawsuits tied to COVID-19 hit the courts in June, which means there has been an “exponential increase.” Most are employment discrimination or paid leave claims, what the firm called “classic workplace disputes wrapped up in a COVID-19 context.”…
… remained skeptical that a surge in cases is imminent. She said many businesses are taking reasonable precautions to protect employees and customers from the coronavirus…
The relatively low rate of COVID-19 work safety lawsuits is not surprising while we are in the midst of the pandemic. I expect an inevitable surge in personal injury advertisements after we have an effective treatment or vaccine. “Were you or a loved one infected at work? Let the tough, smart lawyers at Acme Firm fight for your fair compensation!”
I am not saying that I think they will win easily, but corporations need to key stakeholders to document and preserve their pandemic response plans, policies and compliance efforts.