Monthly Archives: September 2024

eDJ Picks: Relativity Fest 2024 Sessions

Got a late start this year scheduling briefings, so I may actually get to attend some of the excellent sessions on offer. Regular readers know that I am focused on corporate eDiscovery and compliance ecosystems. Here are some interesting sessions with why I think that they are worth attending. Wednesday Transform Your Review with Relativity aiR 1:00 PM-1:45 PM Relativity aiR for Review [...]

By |2024-09-06T14:12:11-05:00September 6th, 2024|Essay|0 Comments

Microsoft Roadmap: August 2024 – New Purview eDiscovery Portal

327 Updates - 202 in development - 34 rolling out - 83 launched The new Purview eDiscovery portal has rolled out to some tenants in preview mode. The Purview PM team briefed me on it back at LegalWeek and it finally arrived at my test tenant this week. They have definitely gone for a simplified workflow and ‘eliminated’ the Collection searches. Unfortunately, legal holds [...]

By |2024-09-03T17:58:11-05:00September 3rd, 2024|Essay, ESI Sources|1 Comment
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